Feels Good

Ugh-I can't tell if my allergies are going nuts or if I have some sort of sinus thing going on. Oh well...I can still do my thing. I'm just sniffing a lot.

This AM I followed orders and did the HiitMax 1 and 2 and 3 workouts together in a row. Oh man. Tough. I had to do skipping for parts of the cardio instead of burpees and mountain climbers for some intervals, and most of my pushups were on my knees, but I made it through. 45 minutes of sweat. You're supposed to do 1-4 tomorrow but I really don't think I could do that, so I'm gonna do 2-4. I don't have more than 45 minutes in the morning for exercise...and I'm still walking the ~3 Km to work, as well as home after, so I don't want to be ridiculous about it. I'm sure that will be more than enough to do for a workout. I feel awesome.
It is spring time beast mode. I know I'll have to take a few weeks off at least after my surgery so I'm trying to get in all I can for now and hope that being in good shape will help me heal up well. I've been so happy that I haven't had any lymphedema issues and I seem to be able to workout just fine.

It feels good to feel good :)

1 comment:

Yum Yucky said...

My allergies are jacked up right now, too. I got lazy and stopped taking my local raw honey everyday. Bad decision. That stuff really works wonders for allergies.