I went to the woods to...

Gorgeous weekend. Spent time in the cloudy forest with J and other friends and listened to some great music. Relaxed and breathed in the nature, and pushed out the stress and spent time relaxing in beautiful northern Saskatchewan. The final night after all the shows were over we sat up in the staff/volunteer cabin late late late, singing songs with the last remaining awake people as they sang songs by the fire with guitar, piano, banjo, bass and even trumpet, with all of us joining in. I provided the kazoo accompaniment for a few numbers. I will carry memories from that night forward for years to come...the kind of community and connection music brings is something to behold when it pops into your world for a visit :)
Starting tomorrow it's back to more of a regular routine again.
For now, I am just happy to be...me.

1 comment:

Yum Yucky said...

This post is spewing with awesomeness. Glad your weekend was filled with happy memory-making.