set phasers to stunning...

In the hunt for a trekkie love day card to send to J I  came across this, which made me spit my coffee out laughing:

But no, you'll be happy I found something slightly classier...
I was given a new stupid deadline yestarday and I will be working like a freak to get 3 posters and a paper done in a week (grrr) so I have made red velvet cookies (recipe on my food blog) to restore my sanity and reduce my grr argh setting after I got some poster planning work done... and (dare I say it) celebrate love day...I used to loathe valentines day for it's enforced expressions of love, but I admit I have, over the years, decided that it's not so bad. J and I never do anything for it really other than try and find really tacky valentines for each other...and sometimes I make a heart shaped pizza. Tonight will be rather dull one I'm afraid - we both work all day and all night so this is not a romantic day but it will be a good one I think. There are red velvet white chocolate chip cookies involved so it  HAS to be good.
This morning was a good spin class, and I threw in a few core moves afterwards. Now a nice hot shower and some breakfast have me ready to tackle the day. I've got lots to do, and plan to get to it.
So to all of you, I hope your enforced love day meets your expectations whatever they are :)

Later taters :)


azusmom said...

OMG that first card is HILARIOUS!!!!!!
The second one is nice, too though :).
I used to hate VD too. but now I get to help the kids make up cards for their classes, and read through the ones they get. So that's fun. And just spending time with Hubby is always nice.

Happy V-Day!

Geosomin said...

I know hey? SO cheesy

JavaChick said...

Oh thank you for the giggles. Those are awesome!