
This weekend was strange but good. Lots of relaxing and celebrating and a bit of sewing too. Even saw a movie or two. J's show aired it's first episode friday night...we celebrated with mead and cupcakes (chocolate irish creme with coffee buttercream...I outdid myself this time). So proud of him. He's working so hard and it's so cool to see his hard work pay off. :)

This morning I crawled out of bed and came in to workout and plopped into the spin and sculpt class. It was a solid workout, but it kind of annoyed me. This sculpt class was lots and lots of reps of movements...which drives me nuts sometimes. I just plain don't enjoy when I have to do 100 of something in a row. My form starts to suffer and in the end I can't do everything I'd like to because my muscles just can't do that many reps of something. Why not variation? And by variation I don't mean change in rhythm of how I move my limbs in a bicep curl - I mean other things....or cycles of things, where I end up doing the exercise, say, twice for less time? Why do I have to curse the instructor's family, heritage and soul as I struggle to keep moving? In the end I'd get more done and hate it less. Don't get me wrong - I'll still do it. I just won't enjoy it as much. I just wonder what the mindset is behind it...

Anyways. I should get busy.
Later taters...

1 comment:

Yum Yucky said...

Do not question why you have to curse the instructor's family, heritage and soul. It just must be done. IT MUST!!!