With the wind this morning it is a balmy -46 C.
I call shenanigans. This sort of weather is absurd... the cold snap is supposed to lift by the weekend thank frog. There's only so much of this you can take before you go all Shining on people from being cooped up indoors...
Last night it was just me so I took some oven time to make myself a most tasty meal. Oven roasted sweet potatoes and beets with pork tenderloin. A little spices and red wine on the pork and...mmm...Yummy. I'm just getting the hangs of roasts and that...I've only ever done them on a restaurant scale for over 100+ people so I have trouble making these kinds of things on a smaller scale. My gas convection oven has some tricks up it's sleeve and I need to play with it more. J's not one for roasts and meat on the bone so I usually reserve it for when we have big gatherings, but I felt like treating myself last night, and there was a tenderloin on sale at the grocery store I stopped in at on the way home to warm up a bit. Since J was working, I had time to experiment...I figured if I burnt it to chewy charred bits and ended up eating just sweet potatoes for supper he'd never know :P
This AM I came in for spin class and eased off the super high tension a bit. My knee was clicking after the high tension class, so I wanted to ease off it a bit and not re injure myself. It was still a good sweaty class. Did an abfest after and now for breaky and work work work. I grabbed some organic bananas on the way home yesterday and can have bananas and granola and yogurt for breakfast...yum.
Have a great day guys. I am going to try to stay warm and make it that one more day until the weekend...they promise warmer weather then.
Courage :)
What?!?!? WHAT?!?!?! WHAT?!?!?!?!
Sorry, I'm channeling Doctor #10 here, but I simply CANNOT FATHOM THAT LEVEL OF COLD! In Antarctica, sure. Waaaaaay above the Arctic Circle, absolutely. But not, y'know, where people have to go outside on a regular basis!!!!!
Yergh! Brain...Cannot...Function!
Yup. It ain't pretty...style goes waaay out the window :)
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