I have a cunning plan

I have a plan so cunning you could brush your teeth with it.

I was good yesterday. Other than a 100 calorie bag of popcorn I made as a snack while working on my speech/watching the Godfather on TV, I ate well yesterday. I had a taco salad for supper and have the leftovers today for lunch. 
This morning was boot camp courtesy of the wonderful Mimi - she makes you work so hard in 3 sets of 8 minutes of 30 second intervals of cardio and plyometrics with 3 sections of upper body weights and abwork in between. Sweaty and awesome. I wish she was our regular morning instructor again... she only teaches monday spin and sculpt after work now except for the odd subs like the last few weeks. Too bad. She rocks :).
After 2 weeks back I already feel stronger and a bit firmer and I can see more muscle in my arms again. Hooray!
It's official. August is beast month. I feel like I've ramped up to this and now I'm ready to be back in it. Other than a great meal out on our anniversary this month  and some celebratory beer if/when I defend my thesis I plan on making healthy choices. It's the time of endless veggies and fruit and I plan on taking it all in :) Add to that, having only Canadian 67 for beer (if anything) and no mindless snacking I think I have a cunning plan. It's not subtle, but it's solid.
Who's with me?
Let's do this!

"Baldrick, you wouldn't see a subtle plan if it painted itself purple and danced naked on top of a harpsichord, singing 'Subtle plans are here again!' "

1 comment:

Yum Yucky said...

I'm all in! I'm with ya, woman. It's Beast Month. Rrroarrrr!!!!