I, Whirling Dervish

Ah. What an insanely busy weekend. SO much got done. I'm really proud of myself. I took friday night to spend with J to relax and psych ourselves up. We went for a long walk, with nothing distracting us.
I was up early saturday and J and I worked hard in the house and in the yard. Saturday AM I brought in all the cardboard and recyclables and got a new BBQ grill to replace our old rusty one. Then we called a plumber to come from the city to snake out our basement drain to the main drain to grind out the roots that come in through the old clay pipe...the roots cause blockages and then we get sewer backup. It's been draining slowly for a while with just the 2 of us and I didn't want to risk it with a house full of company coming.
 THEN, I came back to work on the yard. Our yard was a safari and we haven't done anything to it yet, so I mowed the lawn and trimmed the back area with the weed whacker (I love playing with that thing). Then we did spring cleaning of the back screened in deck. Pulled out all the stuff from it and washed and mopped out the deck and then washed down everything and let it dry in the sun and put it all back in. The deck is now open for the season. :)  We celebrated with a BBQ of burgers and tin foil potatoes and some beer. Yum. Somewhere in there I also hacked back our living room tree and palm and cleaned the living room.
Sunday I was up early again and was out in the front yard weeding. I loathe weeding...but our yard was quite overgrown, and until the vines kick in and cover the weeds it needed some serious love. I spent 5 hours out there (sigh) pulling weeds and trimming trees and it looks much better. I'm glad I did it then and not later, since it started raining in the afternoon and hasn't stopped yet (probably making more weeds...yeesh). J and I ran some errands and then spent a few hours deconstructing my "thesis table" I've had a 21" monitor and all my books and notes covering the kitchen table and surrounding area for about a year now. With family coming this weekend, and me really not using it anymore on my edits, it was time to put the computer stuff back and organize a lot of my notes and reference materials. We have a table again! Hooray! Lastly I did a whack of laundry and got the spare bedroom into a semblance of order and ready for company. Then, finally, we relaxed a well deserved hour of relaxation and had a nice supper. It's so nice to have the deck cleared out and ready to use. I love being out there, rain or shine. I can even edit on my laptop out there now :)

Then (lucky me), both evenings was thesis work. I'm bummed I had to miss out on one of my friend's epic B movie horror nights for it, but it had to be done. In the end I got it about 2/3 edited, which isn't as good as it could have been, but everything we did chore wise HAD to be done and there was nothing to be done except just *do* it. I have more time this week to finish and get my results in to my supervisor by thursday. Then it's the final section over the weekend when my family visits (don't ask how that's gonna work - I haven't figured it out either). It's all coming along...more slowly than I'd like, but I can't just ignore my life completely for my thesis. I feel like I have a grasp on my life again.

This AM I had my first morning back at the gym. Altho I forgot a few things (like my wallet and phone) I thankfully remembered all of my clothes, and had a good workout. I took the sculpt class this morning and other than some wall squats which aggravated my knees a bit, it was a good solid workout. My legs aren't as stiff as I thought from all the crouching and bending while weeding...I think I survived the weekend!
Today is a long day full of meetings and then home to more thesis work, but I'm quite proud of what got done this weekend. I look around my house and feel happy and relaxed, with things pretty much in order. I have a home again instead of a mad cluttered collection of piles!

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