start again...

Yesterday was a lesson in not-freaking-out-staying-sane-not-killing-people.

Oh yes.

Turns out, after having my data summary for 4 months, one of my supervisors mentioned yesterday -the day after I'd finished my data summary and was ready to write the conclusions (I've booked off next week and everything to work)-that my data needed to be revamped and to be restated and should not be presented in the way that it is.
4 months she has had it. FOUR.
Suffice it to say that last night was not the relaxing time I had hoped for. I am proud that I did not lose my sh*t on anyone or by myself, but it was mostly because there was things to be done and the sooner I got started the sooner I could...well...redo a bunch of hard work. *sigh* I refuse to be wastes precious energy that I need to be awesome...
Note to self. Pester supervisors to see if they have actually *read* things...

But enough of that.
I had a late night of grocery shopping and then revamping my data and rewriting tables for a different presentation. And, YES it is a better way to do it. I have a meeting with my other supervisor today (the good one) and I was supposed to be giving him this data summary today, but will rant to him and beg another day for this. Hopefully it will all make sense and I can hand this to him tomorrow and then work on the thesis all weekend and hopefully not be so far behind...I am aching physically to be finished and this has just lit a fire of angry resolve under my butt. I will finish this. I will. IF it kills me please drink a martini in my memory. Preferably a dirty vodka one.
This morning was a tired one, but I woke up to 2 cats sleeping by me purring. They got up with me and we had morning food and playtime and I gathered up my stuff -well most of it anyways...turns out in my ranty packing last night I forgot my bra. Heh. Yeah. Good thing I'm wearing a sweater today - Nothing says professional manager like hippy nipples... :) I did the spin class this morning and wow...solid workout. I'm a bit stiff in my butt, but not half as much as I thought I might be. The class was a struggle to keep pace, but in the end I'm proud. It helped me funnel off a LOT of angst and get me in to work today with my head on straight. I have a few important meetings today and tonight is try to get my data finished up...again...
Well, time for cottage cheese and taking over the world.
Later taters.

1 comment:

azusmom said...

Seriously, there has to be some repercussions for faculty members who pull that kind of crud!

But sleepy, purring cats DO make things better.