Listen to the ones who know you best

Ah. I feel lovely.
Last night I listened to my loving husband's advice. Instead of slaving away again, I finished up the table revisions I was given, printed off my section for revision on the bus this morning to retype on the weekend and planned out my work for the weekend...and then I stopped.
Yup I stopped at 8:30.
Then J and I ordered a few books we've been eying up from Amazon and tried to get our train tickets to get up to need a UK address so I am going to see if I have to order by phone. But, no biggie tho, we'll figure it out. After, went to bed ridiculously early and snuggled and talked and listened to an old favourite CD and I fell asleep early smiling in the arms of my love.
And I feel recharged and human again. Still tired...but not frayed or spindly. Yes, I will make do :)

This AM I came in to see what would come up at the gym and my favourite instructor was teaching a spin class so I dropped in on that. Then I did my abfest as well as 3 sets of weighted cursty lunges on either side and that was that. Done and in to work. I have much thesis work to do this weekend, but right now I feel like I know what I'm in for and I am as ready as I can be. I have plans to hopefully meet friends on saturday night for a few hours to see a band play, but other than that it will be a weekend of thesis work. I can do this...oh yes :)

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

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