Super eyes!

This morning I had an eye exam so I could get new specs as I haven't had them checked in about 4 years. So, I just worked out at home. I used our elliptical...and stopped after 20 minutes because my knee was getting stiff. Ah well...guess it's official that ellipticals and me must part ways. Sad. I love that thing...I did my ball DVD instead for the rest of the workout and feel goooooood! Just a bit stiff in the knee, so I should be OK.

I survived yesterday and all it's insanity and discovered I got 83 on my stats midterm, so I'm feeling pretty good overall with all of my work and school right now. SO much more to do yet, but it's good to know I'm hovering along.

I'm more pumped because according to the optometrist my eyes have improved again and now, even though I'm used to "perfect" vision and will likely get glasses again, I can apply to have the restriction off my licence. THAT is cool...I've always been right on the edge and it frustrated me because *I* knew I could see fine to drive without my glasses, but there was no way I'd risk it insurance wise... Now I can feel justified in just driving with regular sunglasses - no need for prescription ones. Cool! Hopefully that's a simple thing to have changed...just for my own peace of mind.
Life can be nice when it wants to :)

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