And the forcast is...more rain...

It's raining again today. It's' rained more this spring than I can recall for many years. The rhubarb in my backyard that I just assumed was a runt bad plant is this massive thing with a huge stalk flower out the top...guess I just wasn't watering it enough :)

I had a great weekend. I got some lab work done Saturday and a bit on Sunday, with lots of relaxing with friends and my husband. It rained a lot, but we still managed to enjoy ourselves. Monday was actually cool but sunny, so I attacked the yard - it's the first time all spring I've been home when there was no rain, so I wanted to try and get the safari under control! The yard is mowed, snipped and partly weeded. It looks so much better. J went out to golf 18 holes with some friends so I thought I'd catch up on some stuff at home - boring chores and then I finally got the time to paint the top trim of the cupboards...yes I know I technically started renoing the kitchen in January...but I'm in the home stretch now! Cupboard doors and top enclosure are now all painted to match the cupboards. Once they've set a few days we can put them back on. I'm hoping a fit of energy will strike next Saturday and we'll get the doors back on the cupboards. The kitchen is done except for that, and it would look so much more tidy in there with cupboard doors...lately when it's come down to a choice between spending free time on chores and spending it with J I've just hung out with J. Spare time has been precious lately.

On Monday I stepped up to the next level of my Core Performance workout...which essentially meant doing everything from level 1A only twice. Heh heh...oh the burn :) Today I'm stiff but not terribly so. I did my exerball DVD today as my regeneration day instead of the endurance level 1B workout, because I just couldn't bring myself to speedwalk in the rain (it's only 4 degrees!). Too cold to get drenched to the bone outside...I'll save that for when it's warmer. So tomorrow will be endurance day. It's not supposed to rain tomorrow, so I'm crossing my fingers.

I can already see muscle tone difference in my body from the Core Performance program. I feel stronger. My balance is improving a bit too...I'm not constantly tipping over for some of the coordination positions...only some of the time. And my knee is fine so far :) My stomach has crazy muscle tone if I can just shake those last 8 lbs from my butt! That's the project for the summer.
We'll see...I'm just happy to feel like I'm on the fitness track again.

I hope you all had a nice weekend...I know I did!

1 comment:

Scrumpy said...

Oh man, I really want some strawberry rhubarb pie now...