Day 4: Cardio

Well, I hit snooze this was a hard morning. I did get up though and went on the elliptical. I worked out for 38 minutes, with resistance 2 and incline 15%. I tried 20% but after about 10 minutes I moved back to 15%...The last 10 minutes or so were a chore, but I knew I was in the home stretch so I finished them. Then I did 4 minutes slow for a cool down and then a few stretches. I feel the better for it after a hot shower and some oatmeal.
My arms are tired from yesterday. I had bellydance class and we did a lot of arm work, with tribal arms and torso twists. We also learned hip circle twists and practiced all that in a trio. They are simple moves but they looks so pretty done in trio formation. We did some zill work too, which made for quite exhausted arms at the end. It's still sort of like learning to play the piano with matching up zills to hipwork...they're totally different things and it will take some practice to get them working independantly. Lots of fun though...and the cats hate them...heh heh. A girl I work with says her dogs love them...she's clicker trained them so they think when she is playing zills that they are the best dogs in the whole world! :)
By the end I was quite happy to go home to some soup and grilled cheese and relax a bit with J. I was tired but happy. As a plus, the performance tribal group is performing at the local Festival of Trees tonight after work, so we're going to go watch them...I'm quite excited.. They're goooooood. :)

After soup reclamation we went out to get some supplies to paint the rims on our car. They're cheap crappy boring black rims, so J had the idea to paint parts of them up yellow to match the car, just for the hell of it. We'll see how it goes...if they're not too laughable I'll post some photos.
If they look rediculous we can jsut paint them black again! It's strange enough to not have our snow tires on yet...we figure we'd better get at it as they'll likely need to be on next weekend...I can't see the lack of snow lasting all the way to christmas. It looks like temps will start stayingbelow 0 next week so we'll finally be at winter. I'm ready. It's been a rather warm fall and it's not proper putting up christmas stuff without snow...

I must say, I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. Plus, we're going out for a posh dinner'll be fun to spiff up and have a dinner date. It's been a while. And it'll be sushi. Yum...:)
Have a great weekend!


Scrumpy said...

Sounds like you're doing great on this goal action. Always helps to inspire me.

Crabby McSlacker said...

Ooh, yes, pictures of the yellow tire rims please!

And the thought of your friends' dogs getting all pumped up about the zills because of their clicker training totally cracked me up. I can just imagine them thinking "Wow, we are SUCH good dogs!"