I'm BACK baby!

Ha HA!
This morning I got up and worked out on the crosstrainer for 26 minutes, then did some stretching. I figured I'd better ease back into it...by the end I was feeling very winded and with asthma, I can't just push myself over that squeaky slightly queasy stage of exercise or I just...well...stop breathing. So I worked out until that point and then cooled off and stretched.

And MAN do I feel great!
I missed this so much!
I am so glad to be back. I'm planning t ohop back into the ball workout twice a week and cardio 3 times a week....maybe by Feb I can be back up to 40 minutes of cardio.
We'll see.
For now - time to celebrate with a giant cup of coffee.
Oh yeah - I'm BACK baby! :)

Workout music: Jesus Jones - Doubt

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am glad to see you are back! 40 minutes of cardio is hard! I just started to really get back on track on the whole fitness thing after a few weeks mostly off, and it is totally kicking my ass. But that rush of endorphins is now much easier to get! hahaha