Now you see it now you don't...

OK - so I ordered pizza for supper and skipped the laundry, but all the rest of what I was supposed to do yesterday is actually done. magic indeed. The old fridge is in the living room and some normality has been restored inside the house, although I'm sure I'll be cleaning up dust for weeks...

But I am happy to say the chimney is's so odd. That's it in my back yard in pieces...I'm gonna save some of the square bricks for planters next year, but the holes in the walls and ceiling/roof of the kitchen have been framed in and the drywall is up. J and my Dad certainly earned their pizza last night.

My job now is to patch and paint the drywall over the next few days. Dad and J will be running the water line for the new fridge today and putting the lino patch down onto the floor. It all went WAY faster than anticipated. There is so much more room in the kitchen and basement now with the chimney gone. Cool beans.

I managed to process the pears too - I just washed them and ran them through my juicer. I've popped the 16 odd cups of pear puree/juice I got out of it into the freezer for when I have time later to make it into some tasty mead. It'll keep and I'm sure it'll work just fine. Now is not the time to be starting mead...

Must dash. Lots to do at work. I have not worked out yet this week because of the rest of the craziness of life, but I will get out for a run later this week. Hope you all have a grand day.


solarity said...

It is so wonderful when a job goes faster than expected!

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Yum Yucky said...

Whew! You and me both, in the throes of home renovation. I am actually just coming up to breathe and enjoy some blog reading for a change. I am amazing you guys took down that chimney like that. No missing Santa Claus bones in there, right??