Please don't squeezah da bananas

Because when you do dat, oh don't you know you make 'em flat....

Woke up with this in my head. I have no idea what that means...

Yesterday after bellydance class, errands and a late late supper I was just done. Class was great - lots of drills, abwork and hipwork. the end I was happy but exhausted. I had grand plans for painting and sanding after we ate, but J looked at me and grinned and just sent my exhausted little body to bed early. So, 915 bedtime for me.
But you know what?
I feel great today. I really needed it.
Today I got up at 520 and was in for my workout. My body was sore from the bellydancing after my morning workout and so I just wanted some cardio. Crazy spin class lady was teaching and there was room left in the class, so I joined. As usual, about half way thru I questioned just why I had made myself join the spin torture, but at the end, dripping with sweat, I felt awesome. I know I worked hard and can be in at work today awake and alert and ready to go. I have much to do, so I'm really going to have my breakfast, a mug of coffee and get to it.

Hope you have a great day!

1 comment:

MIz said...

the I FEEL GREAT TODAY sentence made me smile, too.
