Curtsy squats are evil

I am going to be rather stiff tomorrow. Heck I am now! The curtsy/dragon lunge squat things I did for the ZWOW yesterday made me a bit stiff...and this morning guess what we did in sculpt class? Yes - a zillion curtsy lunge squats and forward lunges. It was a really solid sculpt workout this morning...and my butt is already stiff. It felt good to work my muscles though...I feel strong.

Last night I had serious stomach cramps that worsened as the evening went on after supper. It made grocery shopping a real chore, and by the time I got things put away I felt really blech. The only thing I can think of is that I made curried chick peas and quinoa again. It seems like quinoa and I are not good friends. J watched concerned as I ended up going to bed curled in a ball whining and waiting for sleep, eating way too many tums and feeling like someone was putting my innards through a wringer washer. Oddly, as of this morning I feel absolutely fine. This is the 3rd time this has happened. I've heard that the high protein in it can bother some people. I've done a bit more reading and apparently there is a protein on it called saponin that must be rinsed off prior to cooking and that is the main issue for stomach issues and quinoa. This is not recommended anywhere on the packaging of the quinoa...I had been rinsing and soaking it previously (when I ate it with no issue) but I didn't rinse the quinoa the last few times I made it since it didn't say to on the I'm going to risk one last stomach pain experience next time I make quinoa and see if soaking it removes this problem. I hope so. Otherwise it's bye-bye quinoa. I have no desire to feel like that again. It was not the relaxing end to an evening with J I had planned.

I stocked up on some healthy foods for the month, as well as some good ingredients to take up for my visit with my Dad for thanksgiving. All next week I'm hanging at my Dad's place after the holiday, and I can't wait. I haven't had much time at the cabin (where he lives now) since I started school and it really is my favourite place on earth (next to being in my bed with a big fluffy old duvet!).  J can't stay, but I have a whole 10 days up there. Dad and I are going to build us some bedside tables while we're up there, and I have a plan to read the Hunger Games and start on my costume while I'm up there too. I also love to cook for my Dad. He wants to take a stab at a bit more complicated cooking and asked me to buy him a slow cooker, so I'm going to make a few basic slow cooker meals for him and show him the possibilities. He's not an elaborate cook by any means, so this should be right up his alley, and give him a bit more variety in his meals. I found a slow cooker cookbook too, so hopefully it'll get him started on more elaborate meals. I'm also trying to plan some body weight workouts and running for when I'm up there. Hopefully I can gather some of my favourites so that I work out at least every other day up there.

I'm so excited. Just a few more days and I can relax. :)

1 comment:

Yum Yucky said...

It's interesting what you say about the stomach cramps. I was kinda crampy when I was eating Fage Greek Yogurt everyday. It's higher in protein than Chobani. But Fage was making me crampy. Had to switch back to Chobani.