working from home

Well, yesterday I got a whack of work done onthe thesis. Ordered pizza so I could keep working -not the healthiest, but having the extra work time was nice. I worked all day until 11. I am home again to day to do more summary work for my thesis and hope to have another good day of it. I got up and made an effort at working out...I was mentally tired and I figure it's not a huge workout like yesterday - but it's something. Get's my blood pumping and my brain working. I know that doing something every day is the key.
I did ZWOW 3 today plus my abfest and that is that. I was sweating by the time I was done - it's a tough one! I think I will take a walk this afternoon for a break from my work - I'm lucky enough to live near the river so I can take a little 30 minute walk and get the blood pumping again if I run out of steam. It sounds ridiculous to say it but it's exhausting to think think think constantly...

I hope you all had a nice relaxing easter. I've had some cottage cheese and blackberries and now some cuban coffee and I are going to get some work done :)

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