Apparently that woman can spin too

The same lady who does the boot camp on tuesdays has a spin class thursday mornings so I dropped in for it and holeywhackadoodlepoof. It was a tough one! She's more my level of fitness than the other spin and sculpt person...good to know there is alternates for things to do when I get bored of the "usual" or want a change like this morning. I just have to watch the stand up sit downy portions and not do it too much to aggravate Mr. Rightgrumpeeknee and all is well. I feel proud after working hard like I did this morning. I mean -I did it! No turning the dial resting. Go me. :)

I'm feeling pretty good about things...I feel like I'm recovering from the holidays a bit. I'm really making an effort to be under control with my food and drink enough water (not just live on coffee and diet coke. ahem.) I'm relearning what it feels like to be full. It takes me about 20 minutes after I eat to feel full, so I need to watch portions and wait. If I'm still hungry after an hour there are lots of things like apples and hummus I can have to top me up that last bit. It seems that mostly when I think I'm still hungry after a full meal a lot it's just being thirsty. It's strange how easily old habits come back... :)

I was teased by the bus driver this morning when I got on the bus...said he'd make sure I got off at the right stop today. And, so I did...all was good.
Just a quick pop in to log this morning's workout. And so, another day another molecular signalling transfer. I must be off to Sciencetown.
Have a great day everyone :)

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