Zen master

This morning was back to regular workouts -up and in the gym by 6. After my lower body weight work I had an itch to seriously sweat and I hopped on the arc trainer and put on a favourite psytrance CD of mine...and for the first time since I used to run "it" happened. About 5 minutes in, I closed my eyes, kept up to the rhythm of the music and just moved and enjoyed the music and grinned. At ~140 bpm I was flying and breathing and...wow. I went off into "that" zone where you move and breathe and feel and before I knew it my workout was over.
I didn't think I'd ever get that without a run...I'm so glad about that. It's so very zen for me to get lost in the music like that. The kind of thing that makes you glad to be alive. The same feeling I get sometimes dancing. This is my favourite kind of music. A bit odd for most I know, but nothing makes me move like this...

Have a great day everyone.
I know I will...today I get to relax after work with my luv, spend some time with my Dad tonight and bake cookies.
I can't wait...me hee !

Music to get lost to: Hallucinogen - Lone Deranger

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