Turkey for me, turkey for you

It's thanksgiving weekend up here in Canada. I'm looking forward to some family time up at the lake. My brother's wife has decided to take their 2 cats and exchange student up to the lake, so I don't know where we'll sleep, but I'm sure we'll figure it out. I'm the youngest, so I'm used to being shoved in a closet for sleeping at family gigs. I think the closet is big enough to fit J and I in!
Mom has invited (gulp) 35 people for supper. Heh. I'm a bit nervous...I'll help her with everything, and hope we can all squeeze in!
Dad & I are gonna build a bookshelf. Mom and I are gonna build a turkey dinner.
Should be great!
I've been humming the thanksgiving song by Adam Sandler all morning...I'm ready for the holiday. I feel as tho I can control myself around the food, so I think it will be a good time.

Pass the cocoa please. Happy thanksgiving :)


Crabby McSlacker said...

Dinner for 35???!!!!

Wow, I'm impressed, that sounds totally daunting. I bet your mom sure appreciates the help. Have a great time, and enjoy your thanksgiving!

Scrumpy said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!