Well, whaddaya know

Heh...now I know I'm out of practice after my enforced time off :)
After the long walk to work and the brisk walk around all over downtown after work picking up a baby shower gift, this AM my glutes and quads are a bit stiff. Wow...that's a sign I really need to do more. I'd never get stiff from that before...it feels good to know I did something though. The wheels for the elliptical are supposed to come today...here's hoping. J and I are itching to use it. Just knowing I can't somehow makes it irresistable...I'll definitely be walking to work as much as I can from now on. It's obvious the walking will do me good. I need to work my way up to running, that's for sure.

Gotta run...busy day!


Crabby McSlacker said...

That's great that you're getting back to it again. And I don't know about you, but I like the soreness when I'm starting up again after an enforced absence. It reminds me that the stuff I take for granted really is exercise!

Scrumpy said...

Walking is my favorite exercise. I think it gets a wimpy rap sometimes.