sniff sniff

In for boot camp this morning despite this stupid headache I've had for days. It was ass kickingly hard, but I feel good. I just tried to ignore my head and for the most part I could. I think this headache is allergies...the snow melted from it being so unseasonably warm. I'm not complaining, but all the dust and leaves and such is making me sniffle and wheeze. Either that or I'm getting a cold. As annoying as that would be, I suppose it is OK if I do..all that I need to get through has been pretty much finished, and I've put my body through a lot. IF it needs to crash to recoup so be it...I can afford to be slowed down after tomorrow. And winter will come soon enough I'm sure...

Must go. Tomorrow is my permission to write meeting. So much to do.
Crossing my fingers and toes...


azusmom said...

Holding a good thought for you!hod

Yum Yucky said...

I hope you're on the mendy-mend!