Friday finally

This morning at the gym I really pushed myself but it didn't seem like I was working as hard. You know how some days your heart rate just doesn't go up as much as it normally does? Yeah. Like that. I know I worked hard tho and I feel good...I came in to do my workout B plus abfest plus 28 minutes of HIIT biking (which right now is 2.5 minutes fast biking + 30 sec sprint biking over and over again...). I am working on making the non sprinty intervals shorter...I'll get there. It's a great workout.

Tonight we are going to Folkfest, a multicultural event in the city with lots of pavilions from many countries with displays and food. I'm trying to be good with a healthy breaky and a small lunch to give myself a little space tonight...I will do my best to not blow the hard work of the past few days. I will try. I turned down workplace pizza for a healthy lunch yesterday so I know I have it in me. I've decided that when I indulge it's for things I really want. Lame Pizza Hut pizza didn't make the cut. I'm not sure if I'll be able to turn down some of the international goodies tho :)

This weekend I want to try boot camp in my back yard, or down by the river, but we'll see what life lets me get away with. I have a funeral to go to and errands to run and lots of MSc work to I need to really buckle down and get back to the crazy worky life I was in before holidays.
I don't wanna!

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