Commence with the kicking now

Ah. The munchies have subsided. Finally.
Thankfully once I got home after working late and a trip to the library J and I got engulfed in doing our taxes (whoop de doo) and it took forever, so other than few pretzels I managed to keep it together. We don't owe so all is good, but it took ages. I can see why people pay somone to do it...

I'm a little peeved as my Dad wants to come and visit while I'm away, and my husband had plans to have the weekend to himself, so I feel bad asking my Dad to come the night I get back as opposed to on friday. I know I shouldn't feel guilty as Dad says it's not a big deal and he changed plans from arriving the day I get back to coming friday, but darn it -I still feel bad - I want to tell J to just suck it up and let Dad stay, but I know that is not fair to him. And yet I feel like it should be OK for Dad to come...argh. Why do people put you in this situation? *sigh* It doesn't help that J got booked to work tomorrow morning so he can't take me to the train like he was going to so I'm a little pissy about that...I have to try and figure out if I can get a ride from my brother or if I have to take a cab (won't be cheap). Life is trying to muck up my happy plans but I will have none of it. I'm leaving. I am going to enjoy myself. It can do what it likes while I'm away...

On the plus side I was in to workout today. The bus was 10 minutes late, but I still managed a decent workout. I got in my abfest, assisted tricep dips and 35 sweaty minutes on the arc trainer. Feels good.

It's another long day, but I can reap the rewards I hope...I just have to kick life into line so I can run away for a few days and hopefully not offend in the process...


azusmom said...

We get put in this position because we care. It seems that men don't have the same kind of guilt that we have.
Go enjoy your time away, sans guilt, and come home refreshed!

Scrumpy said...

Sometimes relationships suck, don't them? ;)

Unknown said...

I think it's good that your husband is getting time to himself - we all really need that alone time in order to be able to be our best when we ARE with others, and for everyone to really enjoy it. I know that if I miss out on my alone time, I'm not much fun for other people :)

Also UGH to dealing with taxes. LOTS of work!

Charlotte said...

Am giggling at Azusmom's comment. TRUE. And I want to know what your "abfest" is!!