What a nice weekend.
I thought I dodged the stiffness bullet from my big workout on thursday but I was pretty stiff on saturday...less so sunday and I'm almost normal today. It's beena a while since I've had that kinda muscle ache...it was good to know I'd done something. I had a nice visit with Dad and the party on saturday was a blast. The sculptures I built with J for the event (OK he built them and I helped- they were his brain child) looked great. The music was funky and I danced enough in the wee hours after Dad went to bed to have 17000 steps logged even on sunday when I mostly just made bread and hung out with Dad before taking him to the airport. I couldn't get a good feed of the Oscars last night so I just nibbled on bread and watched a movie - J is still away until late tomorrow night. I miss him.
A friend gave me some sourdough starter on saturday and I made my first loaf ever of sourdough yesterday. It needs tweaking and sourdough without yeast added isn't as puffy as regular bread but it's tasty. Sourdough rye with caraway seeds. MMMmmmmm. I got two small loaves out of it and had some of it toasted with honey for breakfast...yum. I love rye bread and caraway and honey. Nom. I'll try and keep the starter alive for a while and experiment with sourdough crackers and some other sourdough recipes. I think there are lots of other things to try. The microbiologist in me cringes and is fascinated at the same time watching the starter grow...but the results are so tasty :). I've read fermented foods are supposed to help your gut but I don't really know if sourdough would apply, since you bake it and kill all the critters before you eat them. Still not sure if maintaining the sourdough is worth the effort, but I'll try it for a while.
This morning it was chilly (-23 plus a brisk wind) so I didn't walk to work (boo). Instead I did my physio and 20 minutes on my bike before work. I'm heading to my brothers for supper so no walk home...but if it's still this cold after work I won't miss it too much. It is supposed to warm up the rest of the week so hopefully I'll get more walks in this week. Tomorrow I plan to do a leg workout after work at the gym with a run (or before work depending if I can drag my ass out of bed in time for the 6 am bus). We shall see.
I've been working to keep busy so I don't miss my J too much. But I do. He's had a great time on tour and is on the long 2 day drive back through the mountains from BC starting today so I'll see him soon.
Not soon enough ...
I began this blog while learning to run and training for my very first race! Now I'm just your friendly neighborhood mad scientist still trying to live a healthy life...day by day :)
Jello Legs
I'm taking advantage of J being away this week and using my free evenings to eat a bunch of foods he hates (hello fish and beets and sweet potatoes!!!) as well as do a bunch of errands and things I've been meaning to get to for a while but would rather spend the evening with him than do. Besides running errands for me and for work this includes trying out going back to the gym on campus where I work and using the treadmill for a run after work. It's been nice enough to walk to work lately but it is stupidly icy and I have no desire to break an ankle or something like that trying to run outside and I want to SWEAT a bit. I'm thinking I'm gonna make it a tuesday and thursday thing, either in the morning or after work. It was glorious. I did some solid lower body work and then got my sweat on.
First I did 2 X 15 of:
One legged bulgarian lunges (each side)
Sumo squats (10 Lb)
Box step up forward (both sides)
Box step up to the side (both sides)
Deadlifts (25 Lb)
Then 2 X 20 of:
Inner leg lift (both sides)
Outer leg lift (both sides)
Kneeling back kick butt lift (both sides)
Scissor kicks
Then I (yay!) hopped on the treadmill for a starter run. I ran 2.5 minutes and walked 2.5 minutes for 28 minutes. I had a hot bath before bed so I'm not too stiff today. It felt so good to get my heart rate up and sweat again. I forgot how much I missed it. My legs were feeling jiggly by the end of it all.
This morning I did my upper body physio and walked to work and I feel amazing. It's gonna be a great weekend. I get to babysit for little Xander tonight so Heather and her hubbie can go out on a much needed date. Yay for baby cuddles :) And my dad is coming to visit before his flight down to Arizona for a month stay and there's a big techno warehouse party on saturday so it's gonna be a fun filled weekend.
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend. I plan to :)
First I did 2 X 15 of:
One legged bulgarian lunges (each side)
Sumo squats (10 Lb)
Box step up forward (both sides)
Box step up to the side (both sides)
Deadlifts (25 Lb)
Then 2 X 20 of:
Inner leg lift (both sides)
Outer leg lift (both sides)
Kneeling back kick butt lift (both sides)
Scissor kicks
Then I (yay!) hopped on the treadmill for a starter run. I ran 2.5 minutes and walked 2.5 minutes for 28 minutes. I had a hot bath before bed so I'm not too stiff today. It felt so good to get my heart rate up and sweat again. I forgot how much I missed it. My legs were feeling jiggly by the end of it all.
This morning I did my upper body physio and walked to work and I feel amazing. It's gonna be a great weekend. I get to babysit for little Xander tonight so Heather and her hubbie can go out on a much needed date. Yay for baby cuddles :) And my dad is coming to visit before his flight down to Arizona for a month stay and there's a big techno warehouse party on saturday so it's gonna be a fun filled weekend.
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend. I plan to :)
It's good to have goals
Besides my goal to exercise I have a new goal for this month: take the time to enjoy my food.
Well, last night I was reminded again at the ridiculous speed at which I eat. I spent an hour making some insanely delicious thai carrot burgers and asian slaw and then just inhaled it. Earlier that day I had made french toast...and also I inhaled it. It was delicious, yes, and I had left making food until I was almost ravenous (bad bad), but did I really enjoy it? How much did I really taste it? It was delicious, but I was done my meal about 1/3 of the way through J being done his. We weren't in a hurry or going anywhere. I had a mug of tea to leisurely drink after...so why the rush?
My fast eating has been a reason why I always need to watch my portion control because my "full" switch only flips about 20 minutes after I'm done eating...and I eat fast, so I can really pack it in when I want to. Sometimes, when I'm just cooking for myself I'll steam a massive pile of veggies and just let loose on them. I figure it's better than eating a lot of other things...but my relationship with food is weird. I still have to watch myself. I am, in a way, jealous of people for whom food is only fuel. Yes, they miss out on so much of the enjoyment I get from cooking elaborate meals and or enjoying decadent and delicious things...but if I'm going to inhale them like a hoover I'm not doing myself any favors at all. If I truly enjoy food as much as I do I need to take a step back and really enjoy it. I make a point to eat healthy...but I need to respect the fuel my body is taking in. Meals are rare where I need to eat quickly and get back to things.
Patience paduan.
And so that's my plan for the next while - mindful eating. Enjoying what I eat. This morning I had cottage cheese and peaches and savoured every yummy bite. I made some chai tea with honey and a slice of fresh ginger and sipped it slowly on my walk to work.
It's the little things that make you smile. Especially when they're delicious...
Have a good day y'all.
Well, last night I was reminded again at the ridiculous speed at which I eat. I spent an hour making some insanely delicious thai carrot burgers and asian slaw and then just inhaled it. Earlier that day I had made french toast...and also I inhaled it. It was delicious, yes, and I had left making food until I was almost ravenous (bad bad), but did I really enjoy it? How much did I really taste it? It was delicious, but I was done my meal about 1/3 of the way through J being done his. We weren't in a hurry or going anywhere. I had a mug of tea to leisurely drink after...so why the rush?
My fast eating has been a reason why I always need to watch my portion control because my "full" switch only flips about 20 minutes after I'm done eating...and I eat fast, so I can really pack it in when I want to. Sometimes, when I'm just cooking for myself I'll steam a massive pile of veggies and just let loose on them. I figure it's better than eating a lot of other things...but my relationship with food is weird. I still have to watch myself. I am, in a way, jealous of people for whom food is only fuel. Yes, they miss out on so much of the enjoyment I get from cooking elaborate meals and or enjoying decadent and delicious things...but if I'm going to inhale them like a hoover I'm not doing myself any favors at all. If I truly enjoy food as much as I do I need to take a step back and really enjoy it. I make a point to eat healthy...but I need to respect the fuel my body is taking in. Meals are rare where I need to eat quickly and get back to things.
Patience paduan.
And so that's my plan for the next while - mindful eating. Enjoying what I eat. This morning I had cottage cheese and peaches and savoured every yummy bite. I made some chai tea with honey and a slice of fresh ginger and sipped it slowly on my walk to work.
It's the little things that make you smile. Especially when they're delicious...
Have a good day y'all.
Ah. I had a great weekend visiting Dad. The weather was foul and cold so there was a lot of eating, visiting and drinking wine. Relaxing...not too good for my butt, but great for everything else. Dad really appreciated the visit so I'm glad I went. When I got home I made a heart shaped pizza. MMmmm.
This week has been busy busy for both me and J. Last night I was called into work at 3 am for something so I'm relying on coffee to get through...another hours and I can go home and relax. J is busy all week and away on the weekend. I'm just gonna work hard to get through to the weekend and veg out at home with a good book.
I am trying to be healthier and walk to work this week. So far so good.
Gotta go adult for a bit. Back later...
This week has been busy busy for both me and J. Last night I was called into work at 3 am for something so I'm relying on coffee to get through...another hours and I can go home and relax. J is busy all week and away on the weekend. I'm just gonna work hard to get through to the weekend and veg out at home with a good book.
I am trying to be healthier and walk to work this week. So far so good.
Gotta go adult for a bit. Back later...
I can haz long weekendz?
I can't wait for today to be done. After work I'm going to visit my Dad at the lake for the weekend. I haven't seen him since christmas and since monday is a holiday here and J will be away most of the weekend on tour doing lights it seemed like a good time to go see him. He's already got a few gatherings with his friends up there planned and it'll be good to just visit and putter around with him in the shop and have some father daughter time. When I visit him by myself I can really visit with him and spend time with him and I'm really looking forward to it. I can leave work a bit early so I'm not driving too late so I can get there at a decent time. May even get in some skidooing if there's enough snow.
I plan on a few hikes at least.
Today was WAY too cold to walk to work (about -32 with the wind) so it's a bus day. Boo. According to my new rowbit when I walk to and from work I can get in about 15000 steps in a day. Without it it's closer to 6500 on a busy work day so it really makes a difference. I did my physio exercises today but I don't feel as awake as when I get my walk in. Ah well...winter can't last forever.
I found an audio book of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks to listen to on the way to Dad's. It's the story of the HeLa cell...I've used these cell lines in the lab and it's amazing to think that such a useful thing was collected and used without permission. So many incredible things were discovered with these cells (polio vaccines to mention just one)...but the person they came from was never notified - it's one of the wonders and shames of modern medical research. I've always been curious about the story of it all, so this'll teach me something new and pass the time on my 4 hour car ride to Dad's place. Cuz science rules.
Later taters.
Today was WAY too cold to walk to work (about -32 with the wind) so it's a bus day. Boo. According to my new rowbit when I walk to and from work I can get in about 15000 steps in a day. Without it it's closer to 6500 on a busy work day so it really makes a difference. I did my physio exercises today but I don't feel as awake as when I get my walk in. Ah well...winter can't last forever.
I found an audio book of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks to listen to on the way to Dad's. It's the story of the HeLa cell...I've used these cell lines in the lab and it's amazing to think that such a useful thing was collected and used without permission. So many incredible things were discovered with these cells (polio vaccines to mention just one)...but the person they came from was never notified - it's one of the wonders and shames of modern medical research. I've always been curious about the story of it all, so this'll teach me something new and pass the time on my 4 hour car ride to Dad's place. Cuz science rules.
Later taters.
I'd like to be your hero - I am a mighty little man
Good morning!
This morning I did my physio and walked to work, listening to an old favourite album. Songs for Dust Mites by Steve Burns. I've been digging out old albums lately to listen to on the walk to work. I can usually get through most of a whole album and since I've subscribed to a few digital streaming music services I don't listen to a lot of my older stuff as much. It's been a nice way to start the day.
I'm sure it's gonna get stupid cold again before spring, but for now I'll take the -12. It's nice enough that if you're dressed properly and walking briskly you're toasty warm. I love starting my day that way. My watch says it is abotu 5000 steps one way, so hooray. It also seems to think I go up and down a number of stairs on my way too - it is hilly, but I wouldn't say 15 flights hilly. Technology is weird...
My physio involves 10-12 of (with 5Lb or a resistance band):
bicep curls
bent rows
tricep extensions
side arm raises
front arm raises
bent chest fly
laying down bent side knee torso twist stretches
child's pose
ball passes
laying down leg extension and raises (lower abs)
wall corner shoulder press/stretches
It's a lot to do, but I hope it will help. In a few weeks I can do 2 of each set and so on...tuesday and thursday I'm adding some lunges and squats to it just to give my lower body a bit to do. Adding this to the walk to work is just fine I think. Slow progression helps my body learn how to drain lymph fluid from my arm again and gets things working.
I am going to go visit my dad this weekend. I can't wait. J has to work a few days doing shows and monday is a holiday so I can get in a nice visit. Dad can take me to meet all his old friends and I can spend some good father daughter time with him. I'm not one to celebrate valentine's day (other than to make a heart shaped pizza...) so I'll just make my dad a nice supper instead :)
Onwards and upwards. A whole day of data migration. Um...yay?
This morning I did my physio and walked to work, listening to an old favourite album. Songs for Dust Mites by Steve Burns. I've been digging out old albums lately to listen to on the walk to work. I can usually get through most of a whole album and since I've subscribed to a few digital streaming music services I don't listen to a lot of my older stuff as much. It's been a nice way to start the day.
I'm sure it's gonna get stupid cold again before spring, but for now I'll take the -12. It's nice enough that if you're dressed properly and walking briskly you're toasty warm. I love starting my day that way. My watch says it is abotu 5000 steps one way, so hooray. It also seems to think I go up and down a number of stairs on my way too - it is hilly, but I wouldn't say 15 flights hilly. Technology is weird...
My physio involves 10-12 of (with 5Lb or a resistance band):
bicep curls
bent rows
tricep extensions
side arm raises
front arm raises
bent chest fly
laying down bent side knee torso twist stretches
child's pose
ball passes
laying down leg extension and raises (lower abs)
wall corner shoulder press/stretches
It's a lot to do, but I hope it will help. In a few weeks I can do 2 of each set and so on...tuesday and thursday I'm adding some lunges and squats to it just to give my lower body a bit to do. Adding this to the walk to work is just fine I think. Slow progression helps my body learn how to drain lymph fluid from my arm again and gets things working.
I am going to go visit my dad this weekend. I can't wait. J has to work a few days doing shows and monday is a holiday so I can get in a nice visit. Dad can take me to meet all his old friends and I can spend some good father daughter time with him. I'm not one to celebrate valentine's day (other than to make a heart shaped pizza...) so I'll just make my dad a nice supper instead :)
Onwards and upwards. A whole day of data migration. Um...yay?
Slow and steady wins the race
Hiya. How goes things?
Things have been busy and good here. I've been keeping busy and active and trying to keep my activity level up. Instead of updating the chest strap on my 5 year old heart rate watch I invested in a new one when I noticed it was cracked. I haven't had a new watch for 5 years anyways and my wellness funds from work can be used to pay for most of it so I got myself a new heart rate robot.
On friday I just picked up a Garmin vivosmart HR and am really liking it so far. It is a basic smartwatch with a HR monitor...and it's blue. Still figuring out how all the extras work, but I'm very pleased. I've enjoyed having the tracking available on my phone and like not having to wear a chest strap. It's waterproof as well, so I won't accidentally wreck it in the shower or forget to take it off for a bath or swimming. I'm liking it so far. I've yet to have a super intense workout with it, other than briskly walking to work, so I'm curious to map out that activity and use the app stuff on my phone. I like getting calendar and text reminders on my watch...it's cool. Gives me incentive to move more and more actively track my steps and stairs so that's a good way to get me just do more in my daily life to be more active.
Other than that, life is good. We threw a party for Stella, our 90 year old adopted gramdma on the weekend and I went to a "wellness expo" with my friend Heather. My physio was really helpful. After assessment I was glad to learn that I am apparently about 95% back to normal with my range of motion and I have been given some strength building exercises to do every day, so I'm going to pair them with walking for the month of February to rebuild strength and then hop into a stronger workout come March. Slow and steady wins the race. Knowing that I'm on the right track and I can keep strong really helps me keep in a good headspace and get me through the winter crazies. Hopefully by March it'll be a little warmer and maybe I can start running again. Here's hoping... :)
Have a great day!
Things have been busy and good here. I've been keeping busy and active and trying to keep my activity level up. Instead of updating the chest strap on my 5 year old heart rate watch I invested in a new one when I noticed it was cracked. I haven't had a new watch for 5 years anyways and my wellness funds from work can be used to pay for most of it so I got myself a new heart rate robot.
On friday I just picked up a Garmin vivosmart HR and am really liking it so far. It is a basic smartwatch with a HR monitor...and it's blue. Still figuring out how all the extras work, but I'm very pleased. I've enjoyed having the tracking available on my phone and like not having to wear a chest strap. It's waterproof as well, so I won't accidentally wreck it in the shower or forget to take it off for a bath or swimming. I'm liking it so far. I've yet to have a super intense workout with it, other than briskly walking to work, so I'm curious to map out that activity and use the app stuff on my phone. I like getting calendar and text reminders on my watch...it's cool. Gives me incentive to move more and more actively track my steps and stairs so that's a good way to get me just do more in my daily life to be more active.
Other than that, life is good. We threw a party for Stella, our 90 year old adopted gramdma on the weekend and I went to a "wellness expo" with my friend Heather. My physio was really helpful. After assessment I was glad to learn that I am apparently about 95% back to normal with my range of motion and I have been given some strength building exercises to do every day, so I'm going to pair them with walking for the month of February to rebuild strength and then hop into a stronger workout come March. Slow and steady wins the race. Knowing that I'm on the right track and I can keep strong really helps me keep in a good headspace and get me through the winter crazies. Hopefully by March it'll be a little warmer and maybe I can start running again. Here's hoping... :)
Have a great day!
Monday kinda sucked and yesterday was colder so I only got to walk home, but today was nicer so I could walk to work after doing a bit of work at home. I did 3 rounds of this before I headed out to work:
12 bicel curls (5 Lb)
12 shoulder raises (5 Lb)
12 low rows (resistance band)
12 high rows (resistance band)
10 ball passes (to foot and back to hand)
10 side crunches each side
20 sumo squats
I have a long boring meeting tonight and last night I spent all most of yesterday doing a bunch of errands myself while J covered a shoot for a friend who's wife's mom is in the hospital so they could spend time with her and look after their new baby. It's not looking like her mom is doing well, so it was worth it to help our friends be there...it was just a lot of stuff to do alone tho - car stuff, groceries and picking up and dropping off. Long day. Bleh.
I have physio booked for friday so I'm looking forward to the assessment to see what I can work on to get stronger and less stiff.
Tonight I have a boring meeting after work and I'm hoping it doesn't run too long. I want to go home and veg with J after. We have a pantry full of food. I'm finding work to be really stale and monotonous the last day or so and I'm exhausted...I wanna be done done done son.
12 bicel curls (5 Lb)
12 shoulder raises (5 Lb)
12 low rows (resistance band)
12 high rows (resistance band)
10 ball passes (to foot and back to hand)
10 side crunches each side
20 sumo squats
I have a long boring meeting tonight and last night I spent all most of yesterday doing a bunch of errands myself while J covered a shoot for a friend who's wife's mom is in the hospital so they could spend time with her and look after their new baby. It's not looking like her mom is doing well, so it was worth it to help our friends be there...it was just a lot of stuff to do alone tho - car stuff, groceries and picking up and dropping off. Long day. Bleh.
I have physio booked for friday so I'm looking forward to the assessment to see what I can work on to get stronger and less stiff.
Tonight I have a boring meeting after work and I'm hoping it doesn't run too long. I want to go home and veg with J after. We have a pantry full of food. I'm finding work to be really stale and monotonous the last day or so and I'm exhausted...I wanna be done done done son.
Hibernation 101

This week I am starting to rebuild my strength. Besides walking the 4.5 K to work (it's still only -10!!) I took the time to do 3 reps of the following this morning:
12 bicel curls (5 Lb)
12 shoulder raises (5 Lb)
12 low rows (resistance band)
12 high rows (resistance band)
10 ball passes (to foot and back to hand)
10 crunches
It's a good start. Tomorrow I'll try some leg stuff and rotate back anf forth for about a month before I jump into a more hard core workout. I'd like to get up to more again. If I can get the elliptical free I'll do that as well. I'm curious to try some aquafit classes at the civic centre near my house too. They're thursday evening, so maybe I'll get into that in a few weeks. It'll be fun to do something different - I love water fitness classes - you don't get hot and it'll be easy on my body for a starting back workout. Plus usually it's with a lot of seniors too so I feel like I can do it. :) When it's too cold to walk in february (which will happen...boo..) I may bus in to the gym again in the mornings for a while to use the treadmill here. We'll see. I find the bike very boring, so I can do it, but it's not as exciting as other stuff. I've been itching to run and want to get a new chest strap for my heart rate watch and get my blood pumping. The walking feels so good.
I have declared February to be the month of sewing. I have some arm warmers on the needles and some fabric to sew something cute for Xander so I will spend my frosty days making things and drinking good decaf. *grin*
I'm proud of my home town - we just got into the Guinness Book of World Record yesterday for the largest snowball fight. 8200 people throwing snowballs. So many people came that they ran out of official wristbands to give people at 8200...so likely there was more people than that. Cuz that's how we roll here. I had plans to go but I fell asleep reading in my chair and missed it. Oops. My nieces were there and they had a blast. Winter? We got it covered!
Anyhoooooo...I should be off. Much to do. Have a wonderful day peoples.
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