I began this blog while learning to run and training for my very first race! Now I'm just your friendly neighborhood mad scientist still trying to live a healthy life...day by day :)
Good morning :)
I got to go home from the hospital yesterday. Surgery was on tuesday and it went very well. Dr. Laliberte was talking to J and I prior to surgery and marking out areas for cutting and building on my front and back and he commented that it was nice to work on someone healthy and in shape. He said it makes his job so much easier and it really makes rebuilding things simpler because there isn't excess fat or other things in the way to complicate things. He was confident it should go well for me as far as healing goes. As a bonus I managed to convince him to not give me a catheter and was the perfect obedient patient in recovery....and I have been really pleased so far with the results. J was able to talk to him and ask him questions and liked him as well. Being my usual lightweight self I didn't even get to the counting down part before I was out and was in recovery before I knew it.
I am happy to report that I feel pretty good and can rest up here at home now. With my insurance I could have a private room which was nice. I'm not gonna lie - the first night and day after were pretty rough, but things have settled down now and I'm reasonably comfy. It turns out that I do much better on Advil + a bit of delaudid than I do on lots of more hard core pain killers and once we found what worked for me things went much better. I also convinced them to replace a few bandages on my back held in place by the most itchy and annoying adhesive ever made (I react to that kinda thing badly) I was light years comfier and much happier. I have 3 drains to look after but I'm hoping 1 or 2 will come out in a few days. The main one in my back will likely be in the longest, but when I see the doc in a week and a half any drains left will come out, so I just have to be patient. They're uncomfortable but not the end of the world. It's not like I'm going out anywhere in the next while, so it'll be fine. I am stiff but still fee like I have normal movement in my arm and shoulder so it all seems OK.
Before I went home yesterday I got to look at everything when they changed the bandages and well...it's crazy amazing. Yes I will have some interesting scars, but those will fade...hopefully my back and the skin flap will heal up quickly. Overall I have gone from literally nothing on my chest AT ALL to having a nice little breast there. It's amazing. Seriously people - if I hadn't seen it myself I wouldn't believe it were possible- I have a breast again. AND it looks natural and wonderful. It smaller yet and it still needs to be expanded - it only has about 50 mL of the total 200mL that the doc would like to put in before the implant is swapped out but I cannot even describe how great it looks. It doesn't look fake or bulgey or weird...just like a young healthy breast.
*My* breast.
They will definitely need to alter my left to make it match when they put the implant in, since the new one is perky and the old one is deflated and droopy, but that should be simpler. I believe they can do it after all this.
I am happy. I'm still rather sore and it's currently impossible to sit in any way that is comfortable with the incision right across my right upper back, but that'll get better. It was definitely all worth it. Once my drains are out i can do some physio...but for now it's just rest up and get better. J has been pampering me and bringing me everything I need. His dragon onesie came in the mail a few days ago so I was served supper and tea yesterday by Spyro. I love that man.
I must go vegetate with the cats and rest up. All is well.
I got to go home from the hospital yesterday. Surgery was on tuesday and it went very well. Dr. Laliberte was talking to J and I prior to surgery and marking out areas for cutting and building on my front and back and he commented that it was nice to work on someone healthy and in shape. He said it makes his job so much easier and it really makes rebuilding things simpler because there isn't excess fat or other things in the way to complicate things. He was confident it should go well for me as far as healing goes. As a bonus I managed to convince him to not give me a catheter and was the perfect obedient patient in recovery....and I have been really pleased so far with the results. J was able to talk to him and ask him questions and liked him as well. Being my usual lightweight self I didn't even get to the counting down part before I was out and was in recovery before I knew it.
I am happy to report that I feel pretty good and can rest up here at home now. With my insurance I could have a private room which was nice. I'm not gonna lie - the first night and day after were pretty rough, but things have settled down now and I'm reasonably comfy. It turns out that I do much better on Advil + a bit of delaudid than I do on lots of more hard core pain killers and once we found what worked for me things went much better. I also convinced them to replace a few bandages on my back held in place by the most itchy and annoying adhesive ever made (I react to that kinda thing badly) I was light years comfier and much happier. I have 3 drains to look after but I'm hoping 1 or 2 will come out in a few days. The main one in my back will likely be in the longest, but when I see the doc in a week and a half any drains left will come out, so I just have to be patient. They're uncomfortable but not the end of the world. It's not like I'm going out anywhere in the next while, so it'll be fine. I am stiff but still fee like I have normal movement in my arm and shoulder so it all seems OK.
Before I went home yesterday I got to look at everything when they changed the bandages and well...it's crazy amazing. Yes I will have some interesting scars, but those will fade...hopefully my back and the skin flap will heal up quickly. Overall I have gone from literally nothing on my chest AT ALL to having a nice little breast there. It's amazing. Seriously people - if I hadn't seen it myself I wouldn't believe it were possible- I have a breast again. AND it looks natural and wonderful. It smaller yet and it still needs to be expanded - it only has about 50 mL of the total 200mL that the doc would like to put in before the implant is swapped out but I cannot even describe how great it looks. It doesn't look fake or bulgey or weird...just like a young healthy breast.
*My* breast.
They will definitely need to alter my left to make it match when they put the implant in, since the new one is perky and the old one is deflated and droopy, but that should be simpler. I believe they can do it after all this.
I am happy. I'm still rather sore and it's currently impossible to sit in any way that is comfortable with the incision right across my right upper back, but that'll get better. It was definitely all worth it. Once my drains are out i can do some physio...but for now it's just rest up and get better. J has been pampering me and bringing me everything I need. His dragon onesie came in the mail a few days ago so I was served supper and tea yesterday by Spyro. I love that man.
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the cats missed me |
I must go vegetate with the cats and rest up. All is well.
Bathroom renos: before and after
Well...things are coming together. Here's some original bathroom shots from when we bought the house 13 years ago...
Then in 2007 we painted the walls grey and tried to make it less awfully pink...and hide the pink faux marble monstrosity and ugly yellow plastic shower door behind a curtain. It was better...but still not a place to have a bath in. It had wooden floors that were impossible to clean. The first photo has Geek in it though so it's not all bad. He loved to sit on the toilet seat. I miss that fizzgig...:)
And now...dun dun DUUUUUUUN!
I present for your viewing pleasure, my new bathroom:

Ta Dah! :)
I still have to caulk the window in the bathroom and caulk down the sink still since the drain was leaking on it on friday and I had to take it apart to fix that. I didn't want to attach it to the counter until I'd fixed that since it's a helluva lot easier to fiddle with drains when you can lift the sink out too (and I totally forgot about the window until I saw it in the shower this morning). Thankfully it appears I have fixed the sink and it no longer drips...it seems like a weird design flaw in the pop up drain that came with the faucet since it's designed for a different style of sink with an overflow, but I made it work. I gots skills. The bathroom is pretty much complete. Thank frog. Let there be rejoicing from all of the land.
It was a busy and fun weekend. Got to spend time with my bestie Heather and get a haircut and have a great evening off with my J. Yesterday I slept in and then spent the afternoon drinking coffee and prepping food for when I'm home healing. I now have 10 calzones, meatbuns and a pan of cheesy potato chicken casserole and along with the lasagna, pizza and shepherd's pie I picked up at costco I think we'll have food for at least a few weeks and by then I'll be able to cook a bit of something I'm sure. It's not all the healthiest stuff, but it's easy to prepare for my food challenged partner who will be looking after me. We have lots of soups and bread and fruit as well and I have vanilla protein powder to have as breakfasts to help me heal. It'll do.I weigh less than I ever have (literally, I think I'm 115 on my home scale) so I have some expansion room. It'll all even out in the end. Patience grasshopper.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified of tomorrow. But in a good way...if that can be said to be so. I'm excited to go forward with the next step of all this, but frightened at the unknowns of how much it will hurt and just how damn long it will take for me to recover. The fact that I have been able to recover back to my old strength and fitness from the previous surgery gives me great hope...I just have to be diligent.
I had grand plans for a big sweaty epic workout this morning but I slept in by hitting snooze when I didn't mean to and so I did some sets of lunges and squats and upper arm work with dumbbells along with some deadlifts. I then planned to walk to work, but after getting 10 minutes out realized I forgot my keys and had to come back and then wake up J to drive me to work because there was no way in hell I'd make it on time otherwise. So yeah...it's been that sorta day so far and it 's only 8 AM. But it's my last day at work and we're going out for lunch. Tonight I have some prep to do and have an amazing meal planned. It'll get better I'm sure.
Then in 2007 we painted the walls grey and tried to make it less awfully pink...and hide the pink faux marble monstrosity and ugly yellow plastic shower door behind a curtain. It was better...but still not a place to have a bath in. It had wooden floors that were impossible to clean. The first photo has Geek in it though so it's not all bad. He loved to sit on the toilet seat. I miss that fizzgig...:)
And now...dun dun DUUUUUUUN!
I present for your viewing pleasure, my new bathroom:
Ta Dah! :)
I still have to caulk the window in the bathroom and caulk down the sink still since the drain was leaking on it on friday and I had to take it apart to fix that. I didn't want to attach it to the counter until I'd fixed that since it's a helluva lot easier to fiddle with drains when you can lift the sink out too (and I totally forgot about the window until I saw it in the shower this morning). Thankfully it appears I have fixed the sink and it no longer drips...it seems like a weird design flaw in the pop up drain that came with the faucet since it's designed for a different style of sink with an overflow, but I made it work. I gots skills. The bathroom is pretty much complete. Thank frog. Let there be rejoicing from all of the land.
It was a busy and fun weekend. Got to spend time with my bestie Heather and get a haircut and have a great evening off with my J. Yesterday I slept in and then spent the afternoon drinking coffee and prepping food for when I'm home healing. I now have 10 calzones, meatbuns and a pan of cheesy potato chicken casserole and along with the lasagna, pizza and shepherd's pie I picked up at costco I think we'll have food for at least a few weeks and by then I'll be able to cook a bit of something I'm sure. It's not all the healthiest stuff, but it's easy to prepare for my food challenged partner who will be looking after me. We have lots of soups and bread and fruit as well and I have vanilla protein powder to have as breakfasts to help me heal. It'll do.I weigh less than I ever have (literally, I think I'm 115 on my home scale) so I have some expansion room. It'll all even out in the end. Patience grasshopper.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified of tomorrow. But in a good way...if that can be said to be so. I'm excited to go forward with the next step of all this, but frightened at the unknowns of how much it will hurt and just how damn long it will take for me to recover. The fact that I have been able to recover back to my old strength and fitness from the previous surgery gives me great hope...I just have to be diligent.
I had grand plans for a big sweaty epic workout this morning but I slept in by hitting snooze when I didn't mean to and so I did some sets of lunges and squats and upper arm work with dumbbells along with some deadlifts. I then planned to walk to work, but after getting 10 minutes out realized I forgot my keys and had to come back and then wake up J to drive me to work because there was no way in hell I'd make it on time otherwise. So yeah...it's been that sorta day so far and it 's only 8 AM. But it's my last day at work and we're going out for lunch. Tonight I have some prep to do and have an amazing meal planned. It'll get better I'm sure.
tiniest paint pot ever
Last night the wind died down so I could walk home. It was so nice :)
As a bonus we nearly finished the renos. I did the last of the fiddly painting and trim touch ups. I had to make one last trip to Home Depot to buy a tiny sample size tin of colour matched paint for the downstairs bathroom walls to do a few touch ups. I literally needed about 2 teaspoons of paint and the stuff left from previous paint jobs had dried up. Thankfully they make "tester" size little jars that hold about 1 cup of paint for $3. It was just the perfect size :). We even tried to put on the vanity handles when J got home. Turns out the drawer fronts are too thick so we need special longer screws that we'll have to get on the weekend some time, but the holes are there at least. The handles are on the doors so I can put stuff back in there thankfully. Tonight I just have the caulking to do...and some tidying. Then I can put the shower curtain back and be done. It's funny, everyone I know with a house that we've mentioned that we're doing the bathroom reno to has said "make sure you finish all the little things! Don't leave them or you'll never get back to them" and I believe it. If I didn't do something now I don't think I'd care to get back to it. It's like the cupboard handles for our kitchen cupboards that we painted 5 years ago...that are still not on the doors...ahem. Yeah. It's like that. *whistle*
J is working at a fundraiser tonight and altho it would be a fun party to stop in at I may just stay in and do the last of my reno stuff and then clean up and put a bunch of tools and crap away and watch a chick flick with the cats with a nice glass of wine and a bubble bath. I need a bit of decompression to psych myself up for tuesday. I do have some plans for the weekend to prep some food for the week to come that's easy to heat up. I'm also getting a haircut and having lunch with my friend Heather so it'll be a nice full weekend. I'm looking forward to a few days at home not involving renovations. My lovely J has been slowly cleaning up the house and it looks quite nice in the regular living spaces so I think we just may recover our house back from the reno demons after all! :)
Best of all - only 2 days of work left. I think I can round everything up and be ready to take a break.
As a bonus we nearly finished the renos. I did the last of the fiddly painting and trim touch ups. I had to make one last trip to Home Depot to buy a tiny sample size tin of colour matched paint for the downstairs bathroom walls to do a few touch ups. I literally needed about 2 teaspoons of paint and the stuff left from previous paint jobs had dried up. Thankfully they make "tester" size little jars that hold about 1 cup of paint for $3. It was just the perfect size :). We even tried to put on the vanity handles when J got home. Turns out the drawer fronts are too thick so we need special longer screws that we'll have to get on the weekend some time, but the holes are there at least. The handles are on the doors so I can put stuff back in there thankfully. Tonight I just have the caulking to do...and some tidying. Then I can put the shower curtain back and be done. It's funny, everyone I know with a house that we've mentioned that we're doing the bathroom reno to has said "make sure you finish all the little things! Don't leave them or you'll never get back to them" and I believe it. If I didn't do something now I don't think I'd care to get back to it. It's like the cupboard handles for our kitchen cupboards that we painted 5 years ago...that are still not on the doors...ahem. Yeah. It's like that. *whistle*
J is working at a fundraiser tonight and altho it would be a fun party to stop in at I may just stay in and do the last of my reno stuff and then clean up and put a bunch of tools and crap away and watch a chick flick with the cats with a nice glass of wine and a bubble bath. I need a bit of decompression to psych myself up for tuesday. I do have some plans for the weekend to prep some food for the week to come that's easy to heat up. I'm also getting a haircut and having lunch with my friend Heather so it'll be a nice full weekend. I'm looking forward to a few days at home not involving renovations. My lovely J has been slowly cleaning up the house and it looks quite nice in the regular living spaces so I think we just may recover our house back from the reno demons after all! :)
Best of all - only 2 days of work left. I think I can round everything up and be ready to take a break.
snow eh? well meh
Winter is here. I can't say I'm all that pleased.
I just need to dig out all my winter gear really. The Norwegians have a saying - "there is no bad weather only bad clothing" and it's true. If you're dressed for it, it's alright. It's the running shivering from building to building without proper gear that gets annoying and I'm at that stage at the moment. Add in the having to take the bus again (at least until I have better gear and the wind is less than 30 kph) and I'm a bit cranky...I prefer the outdoors. I like my walks home.
Ah well, only 3 workdays until I'm off for a while so I can deal. I couldn't sleep well last night and was up for about 2 hours from 2-4, but thankfully J was too so we just hung out and talked instead of me staring at the ceiling. I'm a bit tired today as a result but what can ya do? I didn't workout because I wanted to get all the sleep I could. I plan to workout tonight after I finish up painting tonight instead. I had another bath last night...man...I am so happy to have a bathtub. It made the crazy last few weeks worth it.
My coworkers are sweet - they gave me a good luck card with an Indigo gift card so I can go pick out a book or two for recovery time. Think I'll get the new Jenny Lawson book I've been meaning to pick up. I just need to get through a few more days...then I'll get to meet my new frankenboob and start healing up. I plan to call it Frankie. It just suits...
Time for a coffee I think. Have a great day.
I just need to dig out all my winter gear really. The Norwegians have a saying - "there is no bad weather only bad clothing" and it's true. If you're dressed for it, it's alright. It's the running shivering from building to building without proper gear that gets annoying and I'm at that stage at the moment. Add in the having to take the bus again (at least until I have better gear and the wind is less than 30 kph) and I'm a bit cranky...I prefer the outdoors. I like my walks home.
Ah well, only 3 workdays until I'm off for a while so I can deal. I couldn't sleep well last night and was up for about 2 hours from 2-4, but thankfully J was too so we just hung out and talked instead of me staring at the ceiling. I'm a bit tired today as a result but what can ya do? I didn't workout because I wanted to get all the sleep I could. I plan to workout tonight after I finish up painting tonight instead. I had another bath last night...man...I am so happy to have a bathtub. It made the crazy last few weeks worth it.
My coworkers are sweet - they gave me a good luck card with an Indigo gift card so I can go pick out a book or two for recovery time. Think I'll get the new Jenny Lawson book I've been meaning to pick up. I just need to get through a few more days...then I'll get to meet my new frankenboob and start healing up. I plan to call it Frankie. It just suits...
Time for a coffee I think. Have a great day.
the devil is in the details
Last night I spent hours trying to finish up all the little trimmy painty things to my picky standards. Argh- if painter's tape actually worked I'd be a lot further along. I got the baseboards and trim done and one coat on the wall colour areas that needed patching. I just have to finish the second coat of the wall colour upstairs as well as touch up any parts of the downstairs wall colour that needs attention too. With any luck then I can caulk the countertop and around the outside of the tub and surround in the next day or so and the project will be finished completely. These little details are so diddley and they can drive me crazy...because by this point in some ways I just don't care, but in others I know I'll look at certain details and they'll bug me if they aren't done right, so I'll just make sure I take the time to do what I need to do. We will try and go tonight to get handles for the bathroom vanity so we can put things in it, which will be nice. J works the next few nights so I'll have time to be as picky as I need to to get it all finished up by the weekend.
It's finally officially winter. Last night wa the first snowfall that has stuck. Only a few inches and who is to say if we'll get more, but it sorta feels like instant winter right now. This time of year is always a challenge to get around because people somehow forget how to drive in the winter (even tho it happens every year!!) so you have to give yourself extra time. I am the queen of getting stuck in the snow so it'll take me a little while to get comfortable driving around in the snow too. But since it's November 17 we did really well to last this long without snow. I know it made our renos a lot easier to be able to do a lot of things outside.It would be too wet and squishy for that now.
I am in an hour early to diagnose a defective vacuum concentrator so no workout today. With the snow and wind I got a ride in to work so no walk either. I may workout when I get home tonight. We'll see...but for now I think I'm going to go get a coffee and see what I can figure out. Have a great day!!
It's finally officially winter. Last night wa the first snowfall that has stuck. Only a few inches and who is to say if we'll get more, but it sorta feels like instant winter right now. This time of year is always a challenge to get around because people somehow forget how to drive in the winter (even tho it happens every year!!) so you have to give yourself extra time. I am the queen of getting stuck in the snow so it'll take me a little while to get comfortable driving around in the snow too. But since it's November 17 we did really well to last this long without snow. I know it made our renos a lot easier to be able to do a lot of things outside.It would be too wet and squishy for that now.
I am in an hour early to diagnose a defective vacuum concentrator so no workout today. With the snow and wind I got a ride in to work so no walk either. I may workout when I get home tonight. We'll see...but for now I think I'm going to go get a coffee and see what I can figure out. Have a great day!!
I had a bath last night. It was glorious. Lavender bubble bath, a few candles and some Prosecco.
Lovely. The tub fills up nicely and covers to my shoulders. I was led to believe that the drain actually closed and you could manually override it but you can't...although it still lets the tub fill up to a decent height. J said he'd like it deeper even, but I am very happy with it. It's a nice soaking bath and this was the first of many many baths. The tub really holds the heat, so the bath stayed nice and hot for a long time. I just have to rig up a bluetooth speaker in the bathroom and life will be perfect...
I took a break from reno madness last night and just relaxed with J for the evening. Dad is on his way home for his surgery and the house is quiet again. We ignored the mess, made a nice supper and we just relaxed. This morning I just couldn't wake up at 530 so I slept in an extra hour. Maybe it was the Prosecco...maybe just the relaxing and needing a bit of rest. Either way, I walked in to work today and it was chilly, but I think it'll be a good day.
I get to go to the dentist today (boo) but when I get home from work J is working so I can putter away and do a bunch of painting and finishing up in the bathrooms to finish up the little details. Hope you all had a lovely evening too. :)
Lovely. The tub fills up nicely and covers to my shoulders. I was led to believe that the drain actually closed and you could manually override it but you can't...although it still lets the tub fill up to a decent height. J said he'd like it deeper even, but I am very happy with it. It's a nice soaking bath and this was the first of many many baths. The tub really holds the heat, so the bath stayed nice and hot for a long time. I just have to rig up a bluetooth speaker in the bathroom and life will be perfect...
I took a break from reno madness last night and just relaxed with J for the evening. Dad is on his way home for his surgery and the house is quiet again. We ignored the mess, made a nice supper and we just relaxed. This morning I just couldn't wake up at 530 so I slept in an extra hour. Maybe it was the Prosecco...maybe just the relaxing and needing a bit of rest. Either way, I walked in to work today and it was chilly, but I think it'll be a good day.
I get to go to the dentist today (boo) but when I get home from work J is working so I can putter away and do a bunch of painting and finishing up in the bathrooms to finish up the little details. Hope you all had a lovely evening too. :)
the bees knees
Well. What a weekend.
The 1920's party was the bees knees. Amazing electroswing music all night and nearly 200 people all dressed in 1920s style dancing away. I danced the charleston - I totally get why people did it - it makes the fringe on your dress fly all over the place :) A great time with great people. SO much fun.
It was a fun road trip down with friends. J stayed for another show saturday night and visited with them and I took the 8 am bus back to Saskatoon to work with Dad again. I was so tired, but it was worth it.
Dad and I slaved away on the bathroom all weekend. Saturday was frustrating because we put the vanity in wiht the sink and faucet only to find the faucet didn't work once it was installed...grrr...so we had to take that all apart. BUT everything else is done - the bathtub and shower are done and sealed. I used the shower this morning and it is awesome. Other than the faucet that still needs installing and some sanding and painting and silicone in a few spots we are done. I should be able to finish up all the little trimmy bits and other things over the next week and get them done. All the holes are patched and primed and it's come together SO nicely. I have a whole week to finish up all the little details before my surgery. It's not pink and it's clean and slick and so very nice. Having a working shower again is good...it's been a whole week without one. After all my raking I plan to have a nice hot bath with some epsom salts and a glass of wine...it will be GLORIOUS. Photos when it's all done - definitely.
I could workout today thankfully. Slept in a bit because I was tired from all this crazy working and did the Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred. Tonight I need to rake the yard - it still hasn't snowed but I've been obsessed with the bathroom renos so the yard has been ignored. Tonight and tomorrow I should be able to get all the leaves in before it snows later this week.
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The 1920's party was the bees knees. Amazing electroswing music all night and nearly 200 people all dressed in 1920s style dancing away. I danced the charleston - I totally get why people did it - it makes the fringe on your dress fly all over the place :) A great time with great people. SO much fun.
It was a fun road trip down with friends. J stayed for another show saturday night and visited with them and I took the 8 am bus back to Saskatoon to work with Dad again. I was so tired, but it was worth it.

I could workout today thankfully. Slept in a bit because I was tired from all this crazy working and did the Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred. Tonight I need to rake the yard - it still hasn't snowed but I've been obsessed with the bathroom renos so the yard has been ignored. Tonight and tomorrow I should be able to get all the leaves in before it snows later this week.
Cha cha cha
My dad screwed up measuring and cutting holes in the tub surround last night. Thankfully he is willing to buy us another panel for it. He felt bad. I was mad and felt bad too...but what can you do...mistakes happen. We tried to figure out a way to use it but it all involved weird seams in the shower and it just didn't work...so hopefully he and J can pick that up. His goal is to install the tub surround today and put in some baseboards and the vanity. I'm glad he's willing to buy it because after all we've spent on the bathroom another tub surround isn't really in the budget...if you can just buy one panel then great, but I don't know if you can.
Dad also found out yesterday that he got his surgery date that he has to be home for wrong - it's tuesday and not thursday like he thought so he's feeling rushed and frazzled...but I think we can get all the stuff here done before he has to leave. It's the tub surround, baseboards vanity/sink/tap and toilet left. I think we can do that in 4 days. I'll bus home to help him saturday morning and I bet we'll get it done. I'll have mudding and painting left to do, but the main stuff should be finished.
I finished my flapper dress. I even found a feather barette at Michaels and had extra waist trim ribbon so I have a head band with feathers too. :) I dug out my long black gloves from another costumeso I'm all set for a classy flapper 1920's night tonight. It's gonna be a road trip drive up with friends and then a fun night. I'm really looking forward to it. I should get going...lots to do. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.
Dad also found out yesterday that he got his surgery date that he has to be home for wrong - it's tuesday and not thursday like he thought so he's feeling rushed and frazzled...but I think we can get all the stuff here done before he has to leave. It's the tub surround, baseboards vanity/sink/tap and toilet left. I think we can do that in 4 days. I'll bus home to help him saturday morning and I bet we'll get it done. I'll have mudding and painting left to do, but the main stuff should be finished.
I finished my flapper dress. I even found a feather barette at Michaels and had extra waist trim ribbon so I have a head band with feathers too. :) I dug out my long black gloves from another costumeso I'm all set for a classy flapper 1920's night tonight. It's gonna be a road trip drive up with friends and then a fun night. I'm really looking forward to it. I should get going...lots to do. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.
Fiddly invisible work
We did a lot of fiddly work yesterday but you can't tell. Nevertheless, things are coming along and the worst of the crappy work for the renos is over with. Yesterday was all the tub and shower plumbing hookups and copper pipe work to get the new faucet and shower assembly feeds in where they need to be and all the drains for the tub hooked into the system. After much cursing and swearing on my Dad's part it is all done and all leaks have been tended to. I spent the day priming and painting the vanity. It looks great. One more coat of paint and it's done. I've also started patching the hole in the bedroom wall.
We also picked up the countertop for the vanity so I hope that is almost the last of our purchases. It seems like we've been to buy stuff every day 3 or 4 times. Lots of little things but they all add up. Like 12 tubes of tub surround adhesive for instance...sheesh. The original countertop we'd picked out at Rona a few days ago that couldn't be gotten to at that time because of renovations in the store wasn't there when we went back, even though the online system said they had them. Grrr. We panicked a bit thinking we'd have no countertop since they take 2 weeks to order in. The thought of this chaos going on indefinitely was not a good one...apparently Rona's online inventory is not to be trusted - the guy who tried to help us find it said he wouldn't rely on it. But in the end we just went to Home Depot instead. The top we ended up with from there that they had in stock was different and not exactly what we wanted (and of course about $20 more) but it is alright should look nice with everything, so we grabbed it and just decided it would be good enough. Other than a few bits of ABS pipe for the sink drain and some vanity handles I don't think we need to buy anything else...I hope I hope...
We went to visit my brother to have a shower last night. It felt good :) Hopefully after today and maybe tomorrow we'll at least be able to bathe at our place...shower by the weekend sometime again. That will be nice. I haven't worked out since monday since there's no way to rinse off and I've been up late working on things so it was better to sleep than come in to work and use the gym here...looking forward to getting back to some sweat soon. I want a few workouts in and at least one proper bath before my surgery.
On the crafty front my flapper dress looks AMAZING. I found some red silk for J and made him a cravat tie as well to go with his red and black vest so we should be quite styley for the party friday night. I've sewn on a few rows of white 5 inch fringe and just need to sew on the stripe of snazzy trim ribbon at the top of the fringe for a low waistline. I have enough sparkley trim left to add some feathers to for a headpiece, and also have a long length of silver beads to make a necklace so I'm pleased at how good this looks for so little work. Since we will definitely not be done the bathroom by friday I'm bussing back to help Dad Saturday morning and Dad will meet me at the bus depot and we can keep working together for the rest of the weekend. It's looking like it'll be monday or tuesday before we're done all this...but the end is in sight!
Today I have my preop checkup. Slowly but surely things are coming along.
We also picked up the countertop for the vanity so I hope that is almost the last of our purchases. It seems like we've been to buy stuff every day 3 or 4 times. Lots of little things but they all add up. Like 12 tubes of tub surround adhesive for instance...sheesh. The original countertop we'd picked out at Rona a few days ago that couldn't be gotten to at that time because of renovations in the store wasn't there when we went back, even though the online system said they had them. Grrr. We panicked a bit thinking we'd have no countertop since they take 2 weeks to order in. The thought of this chaos going on indefinitely was not a good one...apparently Rona's online inventory is not to be trusted - the guy who tried to help us find it said he wouldn't rely on it. But in the end we just went to Home Depot instead. The top we ended up with from there that they had in stock was different and not exactly what we wanted (and of course about $20 more) but it is alright should look nice with everything, so we grabbed it and just decided it would be good enough. Other than a few bits of ABS pipe for the sink drain and some vanity handles I don't think we need to buy anything else...I hope I hope...
We went to visit my brother to have a shower last night. It felt good :) Hopefully after today and maybe tomorrow we'll at least be able to bathe at our place...shower by the weekend sometime again. That will be nice. I haven't worked out since monday since there's no way to rinse off and I've been up late working on things so it was better to sleep than come in to work and use the gym here...looking forward to getting back to some sweat soon. I want a few workouts in and at least one proper bath before my surgery.
On the crafty front my flapper dress looks AMAZING. I found some red silk for J and made him a cravat tie as well to go with his red and black vest so we should be quite styley for the party friday night. I've sewn on a few rows of white 5 inch fringe and just need to sew on the stripe of snazzy trim ribbon at the top of the fringe for a low waistline. I have enough sparkley trim left to add some feathers to for a headpiece, and also have a long length of silver beads to make a necklace so I'm pleased at how good this looks for so little work. Since we will definitely not be done the bathroom by friday I'm bussing back to help Dad Saturday morning and Dad will meet me at the bus depot and we can keep working together for the rest of the weekend. It's looking like it'll be monday or tuesday before we're done all this...but the end is in sight!
Today I have my preop checkup. Slowly but surely things are coming along.
It's working!
I have a bathtub!
I also have a hole in my bedroom wall!
But I don't care because I have a bathtub!
Lots of work to do still but hot damn. A proper bathtub. A WHITE bathtub.
I also have a hole in my bedroom wall!
But I don't care because I have a bathtub!
Lots of work to do still but hot damn. A proper bathtub. A WHITE bathtub.
Painting ceilings is silly
So. Tired.
But look - no more pink!!!
After work I ran a bunch of errands...found a little shift dress to sew fringe on for a costume and picked up some dark paint for the vanity and ceiling paint. Then I came home and made an oreo cheesecake to take in to work today before I got down to some reno work.
After I got home I had to scrape and patch the bathroom ceiling. Our roof used to leak so there were bubbled spots all over the ceiling that I'd been ignoring for a long time that had to be fixed. I got up at 3:30 and sanded and put on a coat of paint and went back to bed. I put on a second coat when I got up again at 6:30 to come to work. The bathroom ceiling is done. Dad has the floor in now and hopes to get the tub in today. I hate painting ceilings and wanted to get it done before the tub was in because it's just a lot simpler that way.
I got a ride to work and didn't workout but today should be a better day I think. I hope my Dad doesn't go crazy putting in the tub. I gotta run. Early meeting.
Later taters.
But look - no more pink!!!
After work I ran a bunch of errands...found a little shift dress to sew fringe on for a costume and picked up some dark paint for the vanity and ceiling paint. Then I came home and made an oreo cheesecake to take in to work today before I got down to some reno work.
After I got home I had to scrape and patch the bathroom ceiling. Our roof used to leak so there were bubbled spots all over the ceiling that I'd been ignoring for a long time that had to be fixed. I got up at 3:30 and sanded and put on a coat of paint and went back to bed. I put on a second coat when I got up again at 6:30 to come to work. The bathroom ceiling is done. Dad has the floor in now and hopes to get the tub in today. I hate painting ceilings and wanted to get it done before the tub was in because it's just a lot simpler that way.
I got a ride to work and didn't workout but today should be a better day I think. I hope my Dad doesn't go crazy putting in the tub. I gotta run. Early meeting.
Later taters.
Just a simple job they said. It'll be easy they said...
What a long weekend. As usual, anything involving our house was not as simple as it was supposed to be. Saturday we wanted to replace the floor and toilet in the downstairs half bath so we'd have a functional bathroom to use while we ripped apart upstairs. It started out OK. We pulled out the old blue toilet and vanity and pulled up the floor and the new floor went down easy peasey. Then when we went to put the vanity back the sink ended up being rusted out almost completely. The drain actually moved around in my hand...it was a wonder it hadn't leaked previously. So we took off the faucet...which, it turns out, wasn't actually installed with a gasket, just a bunch of putty (wtf?) so we couldn't reuse it either. AND the sink was old and blue so it was too big compared to any sink we could find in town to replace it SO we also needed a new TOP for the vanity too. Ugh. Luckily we had some plywood and left over arborite from a few years ago when we did the kitchen counters so Dad and I were able to build a new countertop and face the front of it with an oak strip. Then a friend of mine happened to have a spare sink in her basement from a reno that ended up going another way - she joked to me on friday that I could have it if I wanted, but I didn't want to bother with the sink so I'd refused....but saturday I called her and went over to pick it up so we had a sink to install. Then we harvested the older taps from the upstairs bathroom and put it all together and back into place. It only cost about $30 in materials instead of a few hundred, which I'm glad for, but what a pain in the ass. After all that we could finally we put in the new toilet. At the end of yesterday we fought with installing the new sink because the piping just wouldn't line up for some stupid reason....so this morning Dad is going to finish the sink drain and then downstairs is done done. So, yeah, we accidentally ended up with a totally new bathroom down there. I'm not gonna lie - it looks great, but it put us a bit behind a day in the main bathroom. With all the stuff we did we went to Home Depot 4 times and Rona 3 times on the weekend.
Upstairs, while we had the water off for the stuff downstairs, we ripped out the old pink toilet and got the old sink and vanity out after we harvested the faucet for downstairs. The vanity was held in place by 3 inch nails. What a PITA to get it out. The old fittings and valves (of course) all leaked so we had to replace all 6 shut off valves for both toilets and sinks with new ones. BUT at the end of the day now the upstairs is ready for some more serious renos today. Dad is hoping he can get the old tub and surround out today and the floor should come up easily so we can work on getting the new stuff in. Hopefully that will go more smoothly. I feel bad that I work today and tomorrow so Dad and J are on their own today. I hope it goes OK for them. If we can just get the tub in the rest should be pretty simple.
Tonight when I get home from work I need to start painting the bathroom ceiling and prime the vanity Dad built. I'm a little annoyed at the vanity I must say. Problem is Dad built it for us so it's free...but it's totally not what I like at all (and not what I'd asked for) with big molded trim around the doors and drawers. I don't want to seem ungrateful about it so I'm just shutting up and painting it and I hope it isn't too annoying. I suppose I can take in the drawers and doors eventually and get Dad to reface them if they drive me batty after some time, but it was a bit of a disappointment... I don't want to complain to Dad because we honestly couldn't have done this without him, especially with all the "surprises" we've had. I'm learning how to do a lot and worked with Dad all weekend.
J worked all day saturday so he was away while Dad and I worked on the house and sunday he was pretty tired since he worked until 5 AM. My brother's wife in all her annoying glory thought that last night would be a perfect time to get together with all of us at their place for supper...and Oh could I bring a salad too? Cuz I'm not actually DOING anything all weekend or anything. Ugh. Oh well supper was good, although I was exhausted by the time it was all done.
This week is bathroom renos plus I have to try and find time to sew some costumes for J and I to go to 1920's them party in Regina on friday. J really wants to go and it would really hurt his feeling if I don't go and he has a ride down there with people who want to stay all weekend...which I can't if the bathroom isn't done (how rude would that be to just leave Dad to himself all weekend?) so I am trying to figure out how to go down and then get back for the rest of the weekend to get some work done in the bathroom. The bus maybe? I'm hoping we get most of things done and the bus back would work...that would make it possible and less rude. Plus the people we'd be going down with are really great and I'd like to get to know them better...and I feel bad just sending J out on his own all the time. It's too complicated. It had to happen right in the middle of everything...but I'd like to go to a party where J doesn't work so I could actually hang out with him for a change. I just want simple please and for J to work out the details (and a beer). I'll make us look good. Hopefully.
So in the end, I am stressed...and if I'm honest more that a bit resentful. J is feeling a bit neglected and I am overworked. BUT I will just try to to enjoy this process and get everything done but I have a feeling this week is gonna be long and stressful and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm feeling like I'm doing too much and that anxiety I've been having isn't helping...
Deep breaths. Chill out Geo. Just chill out.
Upstairs, while we had the water off for the stuff downstairs, we ripped out the old pink toilet and got the old sink and vanity out after we harvested the faucet for downstairs. The vanity was held in place by 3 inch nails. What a PITA to get it out. The old fittings and valves (of course) all leaked so we had to replace all 6 shut off valves for both toilets and sinks with new ones. BUT at the end of the day now the upstairs is ready for some more serious renos today. Dad is hoping he can get the old tub and surround out today and the floor should come up easily so we can work on getting the new stuff in. Hopefully that will go more smoothly. I feel bad that I work today and tomorrow so Dad and J are on their own today. I hope it goes OK for them. If we can just get the tub in the rest should be pretty simple.
Tonight when I get home from work I need to start painting the bathroom ceiling and prime the vanity Dad built. I'm a little annoyed at the vanity I must say. Problem is Dad built it for us so it's free...but it's totally not what I like at all (and not what I'd asked for) with big molded trim around the doors and drawers. I don't want to seem ungrateful about it so I'm just shutting up and painting it and I hope it isn't too annoying. I suppose I can take in the drawers and doors eventually and get Dad to reface them if they drive me batty after some time, but it was a bit of a disappointment... I don't want to complain to Dad because we honestly couldn't have done this without him, especially with all the "surprises" we've had. I'm learning how to do a lot and worked with Dad all weekend.
J worked all day saturday so he was away while Dad and I worked on the house and sunday he was pretty tired since he worked until 5 AM. My brother's wife in all her annoying glory thought that last night would be a perfect time to get together with all of us at their place for supper...and Oh could I bring a salad too? Cuz I'm not actually DOING anything all weekend or anything. Ugh. Oh well supper was good, although I was exhausted by the time it was all done.
This week is bathroom renos plus I have to try and find time to sew some costumes for J and I to go to 1920's them party in Regina on friday. J really wants to go and it would really hurt his feeling if I don't go and he has a ride down there with people who want to stay all weekend...which I can't if the bathroom isn't done (how rude would that be to just leave Dad to himself all weekend?) so I am trying to figure out how to go down and then get back for the rest of the weekend to get some work done in the bathroom. The bus maybe? I'm hoping we get most of things done and the bus back would work...that would make it possible and less rude. Plus the people we'd be going down with are really great and I'd like to get to know them better...and I feel bad just sending J out on his own all the time. It's too complicated. It had to happen right in the middle of everything...but I'd like to go to a party where J doesn't work so I could actually hang out with him for a change. I just want simple please and for J to work out the details (and a beer). I'll make us look good. Hopefully.
So in the end, I am stressed...and if I'm honest more that a bit resentful. J is feeling a bit neglected and I am overworked. BUT I will just try to to enjoy this process and get everything done but I have a feeling this week is gonna be long and stressful and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm feeling like I'm doing too much and that anxiety I've been having isn't helping...
Deep breaths. Chill out Geo. Just chill out.
Good morning! It's friday. Thank frog. SO glad the weekend is here.
I've done my morning workout and am feeling confident and pretty in a new (to me) pair of skinny jeans and a short belted dress and boots. It's gonna be a good day. I have a few meetings and it's always nice to go into them feeling confident...I can definitely adult today :)
I'm a bit tired from a long day yesterday but it was a good one. I finished the general cleaning around the house and did some laundry to get the guest room ready for Dad today. I also cleared out the cabinets in the bathroom so it's nearly ready to go for renos. All that is left is the stuff we actually are still using - I can throw that in a box in a few minutes. I made a run to pick up painting supplies and stopped in at Value Village - came home with a few pairs of skinny jeans, 2 long shirt/dresses to go with them and a pair of earrings...all for $33. I love getting jeans there...they're preshrunk and usually <$10 a pair. :) I even made it to the brew store and picked up some Starsan sterilizer concentrate, more corks and wine clarifier for bottling my crabapple wine along with some other random stuff I'll need to start my cherry wine up. Not sure when that'll be but since I was there and I had some birthday $$ I figured what the hell. They had a nice Gewurztraminer kit there I was tempted by but I think I'll leave that until January when I'll have less going on and will likely be able to do all the bottling and whatnot.
I am SO excited to start everything in the house with Dad. Tonight he'll get here and we'll unload all his tools and visit and have a nice supper and plan our destruction for the next while.
Meep!!! :D
I've done my morning workout and am feeling confident and pretty in a new (to me) pair of skinny jeans and a short belted dress and boots. It's gonna be a good day. I have a few meetings and it's always nice to go into them feeling confident...I can definitely adult today :)
I'm a bit tired from a long day yesterday but it was a good one. I finished the general cleaning around the house and did some laundry to get the guest room ready for Dad today. I also cleared out the cabinets in the bathroom so it's nearly ready to go for renos. All that is left is the stuff we actually are still using - I can throw that in a box in a few minutes. I made a run to pick up painting supplies and stopped in at Value Village - came home with a few pairs of skinny jeans, 2 long shirt/dresses to go with them and a pair of earrings...all for $33. I love getting jeans there...they're preshrunk and usually <$10 a pair. :) I even made it to the brew store and picked up some Starsan sterilizer concentrate, more corks and wine clarifier for bottling my crabapple wine along with some other random stuff I'll need to start my cherry wine up. Not sure when that'll be but since I was there and I had some birthday $$ I figured what the hell. They had a nice Gewurztraminer kit there I was tempted by but I think I'll leave that until January when I'll have less going on and will likely be able to do all the bottling and whatnot.
I am SO excited to start everything in the house with Dad. Tonight he'll get here and we'll unload all his tools and visit and have a nice supper and plan our destruction for the next while.
Meep!!! :D
The great purge of 2015
Did my Insanity workout again this morning. Feel really good. It's a cold misty day, but I think it's gonna be a good one. I have one last day to tidy up before my Dad comes to visit for a few weeks to help us reno the bathroom. I'm so excited about that.
I'm also excited about what J's been doing in the house all week. He was determined to organize the tool room in the basement and pretty much the entire lower level. He's purged an insane amount of junk from the house, as well as organizing the camp gear, tools and other things down there. There are areas down there that have been full of random junk that accumulated slowly for YEARS (I'm not joking...) and stuff was all over the place after a minor basement flood years ago and now they're clear AND what is left is organized. It's incredible. We recycled a crazy amount of boxes. There is still a lot of organizing to do in other rooms but it sure is inspiring to see a huge difference in there. There is space for Dad to work now, we can get at all our tools and the workbench is free to use. I'm no longer embarrassed at how unorganized it was down there. The positive physical reaction I have when I enter that space now is so refreshing :) I kept going down there and just grinning last night. It's good to purge. I want to do other spaces too.
We also went out and found the bathroom flooring yesterday along with 2 handles for the vanity in record time. I was prepared for a long frustrating consumer experience but we lucked out. First place we went to was a local shop and we found some awesome vinyl tile that requires no grout or adhesive - it just clicks together with a rubber mallet and forms a waterproof floor. It's easy to cut and should be super simple to put down - crazy easy to install. We both looked at it and said "yup I like that" (kinda rare). It was even on sale plus no a tax incentive this month! It is a warm darker grey marble sort of pattern that will work in both bathrooms. We are ready to reno!
Tonight I have some general house tidying to do and I need to run around to pick up some stuff so I can bottle my crabapple wine before my surgery. I also have a bunch of junk to leave at Value Village from the great purge. J has an overnight job out of town today so I'm gonna relax and enjoy some me time.
I hope you're having a good week too :)
I'm also excited about what J's been doing in the house all week. He was determined to organize the tool room in the basement and pretty much the entire lower level. He's purged an insane amount of junk from the house, as well as organizing the camp gear, tools and other things down there. There are areas down there that have been full of random junk that accumulated slowly for YEARS (I'm not joking...) and stuff was all over the place after a minor basement flood years ago and now they're clear AND what is left is organized. It's incredible. We recycled a crazy amount of boxes. There is still a lot of organizing to do in other rooms but it sure is inspiring to see a huge difference in there. There is space for Dad to work now, we can get at all our tools and the workbench is free to use. I'm no longer embarrassed at how unorganized it was down there. The positive physical reaction I have when I enter that space now is so refreshing :) I kept going down there and just grinning last night. It's good to purge. I want to do other spaces too.
We also went out and found the bathroom flooring yesterday along with 2 handles for the vanity in record time. I was prepared for a long frustrating consumer experience but we lucked out. First place we went to was a local shop and we found some awesome vinyl tile that requires no grout or adhesive - it just clicks together with a rubber mallet and forms a waterproof floor. It's easy to cut and should be super simple to put down - crazy easy to install. We both looked at it and said "yup I like that" (kinda rare). It was even on sale plus no a tax incentive this month! It is a warm darker grey marble sort of pattern that will work in both bathrooms. We are ready to reno!
Tonight I have some general house tidying to do and I need to run around to pick up some stuff so I can bottle my crabapple wine before my surgery. I also have a bunch of junk to leave at Value Village from the great purge. J has an overnight job out of town today so I'm gonna relax and enjoy some me time.
I hope you're having a good week too :)
Hump day
Done the Insanity workout for the day. I can do more today. It felt good. This morning was cool but beautiful. It was a nice walk to work along the river. It's pretty dark now in the mornings and the sun comes up when I'm almost at work. It's been cloudy lately so the sky just sort of lightens aup and glows and the sunlight sort of sneaks up on you until you realise it's daytime.I just drank my tea and listened to the Vinyl Cafe podcast and enjoyed it all. Any day now the snow could come so I'm walking every day I can.
Today after work we're going to find some flooring for the bathroom. Ooh aah. Dad comes in 2 days. Then we start. Meep. J is working desperately to organize our basement and all our tools and storage so that we can easily access what we need to work...we're decluttering a bit and there is much more to do, but it really has made a huge difference. Give that man caffeine and he can really go :) He has an overnight job tomorrow so I'll have to take over and do some cleaning then too.
Hope you're all doing well on this hump day. So far so good! Here we go again! :)
Here's a little hump day earworm for you to get your day started, with muppets to make it even better.
You're welcome ;)
Today after work we're going to find some flooring for the bathroom. Ooh aah. Dad comes in 2 days. Then we start. Meep. J is working desperately to organize our basement and all our tools and storage so that we can easily access what we need to work...we're decluttering a bit and there is much more to do, but it really has made a huge difference. Give that man caffeine and he can really go :) He has an overnight job tomorrow so I'll have to take over and do some cleaning then too.
Hope you're all doing well on this hump day. So far so good! Here we go again! :)
Here's a little hump day earworm for you to get your day started, with muppets to make it even better.
You're welcome ;)
Crimson Peak
Last night I went out with Heather and Lisa for our spooky halloween movie just a bit late -Crimson Peak. Creepy ghosts and a very good period piece - the costumes and sets were phenomenal. Not the best most original story ever, but hey...it was spooky. Like a classic ghost murder story from that time period and the ghosts were very creepy. (and it had Tom Hiddleston's bum in it, so hey...)
This morning was another round of the core cardio and balance workout for the week between the months of Insanity. Done son.
Must dash. Lots to do. Just popping in to log my workout. Later taters...
This morning was another round of the core cardio and balance workout for the week between the months of Insanity. Done son.
Must dash. Lots to do. Just popping in to log my workout. Later taters...
Happy birthday to me
What a great weekend.
Friday was fun. Woke up on my birthday to workout and then we headed to Edmonton. We managed to have time to pick up some lights for J and also head through Ikea (!!!) and get some things for the bathroom renos and visit a friend for an hour so J could help him with some lighting tech stuff. We managed to get a nice visit in with Troy and Cindi and her kids and the Welcome to Nightvale live show was great. J dressed as a hooded figure and there were a lot of people in costume. There was a man in the tan jacket, a number of Carlos's and Joseph Finks and a few hooded figures. It was a great experience...I love to support live theater like this. If they ever come back we'll definitely try and come again. We even got in more visiting and an awesome breakfast with Troy and Cindi before we had to head back home.
J was doing lasers at a great 2 room Halloween party. He kicked ass and impressed some people who will likely be able to get him more gigs which is great. I got in free and pulled out my Leela costume I've had around for a while but never worn. Comfiest costume ever! I had a lot of fun. I love Halloween and costume parties....mind you I don't really need any excuse to wear a costume :)
Yesterday was a lazy day. A free extra day was what if felt like...we slept in and made luxurious breakfast. I did a little painting but other than that we relaxed together, ordered in Thai food and dug out our old 2 person bean bag chair from storage to snuggled up to watch a few movies. I put on my bat onesie and made a Desert Pear Cosmopolitans...I finally picked up the last ingredient (Absolut Pear) when we were in Edmonton. It was the signature drink at the resort I was at in Arizona and I pestered the bartender to give me the recipe. We also drank the last bottle of apple malomel I made a few years ago and it was even better with age... I feel refreshed and happy about a great birthday weekend.
This week in Insanity is the recovery week before month 2 starts. There's a Cardio Recovery workout to do every day all week. It's not too hard...but I think I'm gonna get bored before the end of the week...maybe bust out for a run half way through to break it up. We'll see. I skipped my saturday workout because we were out and about so maybe I can do whatever that was supposed ot be on wednesday or something. Who knows. I'm working to find balance...I was able to rock skinny jeans for my Leela costume on saturday so I know I'm doing alright whatever I'm doing. Consistency and getting back to it...that's the key. A few days of indulgence here and there just make life more fun :)
Friday was fun. Woke up on my birthday to workout and then we headed to Edmonton. We managed to have time to pick up some lights for J and also head through Ikea (!!!) and get some things for the bathroom renos and visit a friend for an hour so J could help him with some lighting tech stuff. We managed to get a nice visit in with Troy and Cindi and her kids and the Welcome to Nightvale live show was great. J dressed as a hooded figure and there were a lot of people in costume. There was a man in the tan jacket, a number of Carlos's and Joseph Finks and a few hooded figures. It was a great experience...I love to support live theater like this. If they ever come back we'll definitely try and come again. We even got in more visiting and an awesome breakfast with Troy and Cindi before we had to head back home.
J was doing lasers at a great 2 room Halloween party. He kicked ass and impressed some people who will likely be able to get him more gigs which is great. I got in free and pulled out my Leela costume I've had around for a while but never worn. Comfiest costume ever! I had a lot of fun. I love Halloween and costume parties....mind you I don't really need any excuse to wear a costume :)
Yesterday was a lazy day. A free extra day was what if felt like...we slept in and made luxurious breakfast. I did a little painting but other than that we relaxed together, ordered in Thai food and dug out our old 2 person bean bag chair from storage to snuggled up to watch a few movies. I put on my bat onesie and made a Desert Pear Cosmopolitans...I finally picked up the last ingredient (Absolut Pear) when we were in Edmonton. It was the signature drink at the resort I was at in Arizona and I pestered the bartender to give me the recipe. We also drank the last bottle of apple malomel I made a few years ago and it was even better with age... I feel refreshed and happy about a great birthday weekend.
This week in Insanity is the recovery week before month 2 starts. There's a Cardio Recovery workout to do every day all week. It's not too hard...but I think I'm gonna get bored before the end of the week...maybe bust out for a run half way through to break it up. We'll see. I skipped my saturday workout because we were out and about so maybe I can do whatever that was supposed ot be on wednesday or something. Who knows. I'm working to find balance...I was able to rock skinny jeans for my Leela costume on saturday so I know I'm doing alright whatever I'm doing. Consistency and getting back to it...that's the key. A few days of indulgence here and there just make life more fun :)
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