Walked to work today...it was nice.
The sun came out and everything.
I began this blog while learning to run and training for my very first race! Now I'm just your friendly neighborhood mad scientist still trying to live a healthy life...day by day :)
Rainy run
I did 3 minutes walk + 3 minutes run 7 times plus 5 minutes fast walk.
Stretched too.
It's still bloody raining.
It's starting to get on my nerves.
Stretched too.
It's still bloody raining.
It's starting to get on my nerves.
Cross that off the life list...
This weekend I ran up at the lake - something I've dreamed about for many many years. Back when I was large I dreamt that I'd someday be fit, and run at the lake, grinning with the wind in my hair as a happy fit woman. Well, it was cold and rainy and a bit harder than I imagined, but I did finally get to do that this weekend - A fulfillment of a longtime personal goal. It was truly cool. I went from our cabin all the way out to the narrows beach an boat launch, around the campsite and back to the cabin. 3 minutes walk +4 minutes run 7 times plus a bunch of walking (10 minutes)...I did it. It was rather hard, and I forgot to bring a water bottle so I had to stop at the campground for some water, but I did it. And spent the rest of the weekend with family walking, fishing and enjoying my mums amazing food.
And this morning? Well 2.5 minutes walk + 4.5 minutes run 7 times plus 5 minutes walk at the end! I can't quite believe it. I made it all the nearly to the memorial fountain by the Bes hotel...insane to think about. I haven't even ever walked that far before...And I was so rested and full of snacks from the weekend that it seemed almost easy...THAT is weird. I stretched out nicely and made sure I have my water with me...I can't believe I'm actually doing this. It was raining a bit, a misty cold day but I went anyways and found I loved it.
Who'd a thought I'd like getting up at 5 to run in the rain...?
And this morning? Well 2.5 minutes walk + 4.5 minutes run 7 times plus 5 minutes walk at the end! I can't quite believe it. I made it all the nearly to the memorial fountain by the Bes hotel...insane to think about. I haven't even ever walked that far before...And I was so rested and full of snacks from the weekend that it seemed almost easy...THAT is weird. I stretched out nicely and made sure I have my water with me...I can't believe I'm actually doing this. It was raining a bit, a misty cold day but I went anyways and found I loved it.
Who'd a thought I'd like getting up at 5 to run in the rain...?
wasted day
Was bag tired...late night, grumpy and annoyed so I just slept in and did a few stretches this morning....yup I'm lazy...and still a bit cranky
Ascension Day...if I were in France...
Today I got up, and although I was tired, it seemed really easy this morning compared to tuesday. It was 3 minutes walk + 3 minutes run 7 times plus 5 minutes fast walk. Easy. Seems weird to say that but it was true...even on 5 hours of sleep it was no problem at all. And to think it was hard not too long ago to run for 1 minute!
I did a full found of stretches (with a lot of help from the Geek) and came to work where I even had breakfast. Hooray!
I'm excited, as I get to run at the lake this weekend...it's been a secret dream of mine to do that...and I finally get to. :) I can't wait. I may take the camera along to capture how far I got...
I did a full found of stretches (with a lot of help from the Geek) and came to work where I even had breakfast. Hooray!
I'm excited, as I get to run at the lake this weekend...it's been a secret dream of mine to do that...and I finally get to. :) I can't wait. I may take the camera along to capture how far I got...
This morning I got up and did 30 pushups and oodles of situps. Then I stretched my legs for 20 minutes, going through al lthe muscle groups as I was rather stiff.
Guess yesterday was a big deal...
Guess yesterday was a big deal...
Quite frankly, I rock
Well..I am very puffed and proud of myself today. I did the 3 minutes walk + 4 minutes run 7 times plus 5 minutes and a bit more walking today and it went fine. Great actually. My knees were a bit stiff by he end, but I did it with no wheesing or complaints (inhaler this time).
Go me.
I ran all the wa past the university bridge to the gazebo where J and I first told each other we loved each other...and then came back. When I woke up J to tell him how far I went he was (altho very groggy) amazed.
I looked it up on Mapquest...it was 3.18 KM one way...so 6.36 total.
Quite frankly, I rock.
Go me.
I ran all the wa past the university bridge to the gazebo where J and I first told each other we loved each other...and then came back. When I woke up J to tell him how far I went he was (altho very groggy) amazed.
I looked it up on Mapquest...it was 3.18 KM one way...so 6.36 total.
Quite frankly, I rock.
the dread of the morrow
Tomorrow is 3 minutes walk + 4 minutes run seven times plus 5 minutes walk at the end.
Oh boy...my legs ache jsut thinking about it. Perhaps walking to and from work today wasn't such a good idea...
Oh boy...my legs ache jsut thinking about it. Perhaps walking to and from work today wasn't such a good idea...
He's in love with me and I feel fine...
Today I got up and did my ball workout...except for the hamstring part, as they were VERY stiff yesterday and I thought I'd be nice give them a rest so they could survive all this.
Then I walked to work...about 40 minutes brisk walk. Had some toast with obsene amounts of strawberry jam for breakfast and am off to work. I feel awesome this morning. I figured I'd be stiff beyond belief what with dancing and then running, but it seems the run and walk and stretch and then large barbecue with family was just the thing. Not a wee bit stiff and feeling fine.
Then I walked to work...about 40 minutes brisk walk. Had some toast with obsene amounts of strawberry jam for breakfast and am off to work. I feel awesome this morning. I figured I'd be stiff beyond belief what with dancing and then running, but it seems the run and walk and stretch and then large barbecue with family was just the thing. Not a wee bit stiff and feeling fine.
Mummy's day
Well, I went to a DJ breaks night (Eve's revenge II) on saturday night so I didn't run Saturday. I left it until today to be nice to my legs. Last time I tried to dance for hours after running the same day my legs were used up and I was really sore the next week...so instead I did lots of errands and work in the yard over the weekend to make up for it. Yard looks great.
Today I was good though and went out for my run along the rivert. 3.5 minutes walk + 2.5 minutes run 6 times plus 10 minutes fast walk. I made sure to cool down for 5 minutes and stretched a fair bit. I feel pretty good. I've been stiff all week, so it's nice to feel relatively "normal" for a bit.
I forgot the inhaler again so it was a bit hard on the lungs until I got into ta rhythm after 20 minutes or so, but it went OK. I must remember that - makes it much easier to run when you can breathe properly
Today I was good though and went out for my run along the rivert. 3.5 minutes walk + 2.5 minutes run 6 times plus 10 minutes fast walk. I made sure to cool down for 5 minutes and stretched a fair bit. I feel pretty good. I've been stiff all week, so it's nice to feel relatively "normal" for a bit.
I forgot the inhaler again so it was a bit hard on the lungs until I got into ta rhythm after 20 minutes or so, but it went OK. I must remember that - makes it much easier to run when you can breathe properly
Bang on!
Banks and banks of humming machinery. I've never seen so many knobs. Try that one right there. No? How about that one? Here, hold my hat while I try this one here....Bang on!
Well, I was out late at a movie, but still crawled out of bed on 4 hours of sleep to run in the freezing cold (-2!). I was pretty groggy at the start, and I forgot to use my inhaler. Usually when it's cold it makes my airways squeak up, but I failed to remember and so I squeaked the whole way today - made it very difficult. Funny how being able to breathe makes the running simpler and much more enjoyable - go figure eh?
Today's assignment was 3 minutes fast walking + 2 minutes jogging 8 times - 40 minutes. I did it...and stretched a fair bit. My legs are really getting stiff...I wonder if that's normal or if I'm just not doing it right. I wish there was someone I could ask about these things...
Well, I was out late at a movie, but still crawled out of bed on 4 hours of sleep to run in the freezing cold (-2!). I was pretty groggy at the start, and I forgot to use my inhaler. Usually when it's cold it makes my airways squeak up, but I failed to remember and so I squeaked the whole way today - made it very difficult. Funny how being able to breathe makes the running simpler and much more enjoyable - go figure eh?
Today's assignment was 3 minutes fast walking + 2 minutes jogging 8 times - 40 minutes. I did it...and stretched a fair bit. My legs are really getting stiff...I wonder if that's normal or if I'm just not doing it right. I wish there was someone I could ask about these things...
Wednesdays are for walking
Didn't do the ball workout, but I walked briskly to work this morning...took about 30 minutes. It was pretty windy but it was a nice way to wake up. Wish I'd worn different shoes though.
This morning I did the toughest one yet...crawled out of bed to do 3 minutes of walk + 3 minutes of running 7 times plus 10 minutes fast walking. Prodigy helped. I tried to stick to the grass and walk about 5 minutes afterwards, as well as do some stretching of all the major muscles after. I still feel like I need to do more stretching...not sure what or how though. I just don't want to get injuries from not stretching enough. My butt sure is sore...anyone know a good butt stretch?? :)
I've managed to survive today and feel pretty good.
Off to work...
I've managed to survive today and feel pretty good.
Off to work...
Week 5 is starting up
Well, I got out of bed at 5:45 and did my ball tape an some stretches as my right knee is rather stiff. I'm beign good this week. Hopefully it won't be as insane as last week...life never slows down it seems.
I was going to walk to work, but then I wimped out and took the bus. I have to get off my ass and clean my bike, as it's time to start riding it to work again. I've been putting it off, as the route I norpmally take is all blocked with construction so I have to go nearly twice as far to get there, but I should just suck it up and go...
I was going to walk to work, but then I wimped out and took the bus. I have to get off my ass and clean my bike, as it's time to start riding it to work again. I've been putting it off, as the route I norpmally take is all blocked with construction so I have to go nearly twice as far to get there, but I should just suck it up and go...
Sunday sunny sunday
Nice weekend.
And today I was very good and I went for my training run first thing - beautiful day! I got to run in shorts and a tank top - must've been 20 degrees out there :)
I did 5 cycles of walk 3.5 minutes and run 2.5 minutes, with 10 minutes fast runninga t the end. I went all th way to the mendel and back. I also was sure to do lots of stretching. I've found a few different calf stretches, hamstrings and one for the outside miscle between the hip and knee. Apparently the cause of a lot of injuries is not stretching so that stiff muscles cause knee problems. So I"l b esur eto stretch as much as I can. Once again the new shoes were fantastic. It was a harder go this time, but I had to stop myself from bouncing as I ran as the shoes were so great...I figured hopping is not good for the legs!
It was a fun run because there was a marathon yesterday for a local charity so comeone had taken sidewalk chalk and posted bad puns and jokes along the path I took...so I had something to read while I went. It was reall unique. Plus there were so many other people out walking and running too. And I was one of them.
And today I was very good and I went for my training run first thing - beautiful day! I got to run in shorts and a tank top - must've been 20 degrees out there :)
I did 5 cycles of walk 3.5 minutes and run 2.5 minutes, with 10 minutes fast runninga t the end. I went all th way to the mendel and back. I also was sure to do lots of stretching. I've found a few different calf stretches, hamstrings and one for the outside miscle between the hip and knee. Apparently the cause of a lot of injuries is not stretching so that stiff muscles cause knee problems. So I"l b esur eto stretch as much as I can. Once again the new shoes were fantastic. It was a harder go this time, but I had to stop myself from bouncing as I ran as the shoes were so great...I figured hopping is not good for the legs!
It was a fun run because there was a marathon yesterday for a local charity so comeone had taken sidewalk chalk and posted bad puns and jokes along the path I took...so I had something to read while I went. It was reall unique. Plus there were so many other people out walking and running too. And I was one of them.
All God's chidren got shoes
Well, Wednesday was a write off. I had cramps, was very tired and I didn't work out. It was all I could do to come to work and although I felt better as the day went on, the ball workout did not happen. Bad me. Being a woman is very inconvenient sometimes...But did I give up?
I decided Thursday was a new day and that I would make sure I kept up on the running and ball work form now on.
And to help that, since I just got paid, I picked up a REAL pair of running shoes last night. I tried on a lot of different pairs. Apparently I roll my ankles a bit when I run and need a bit more support, and after trying on many pairs of shoes, and consulting with a lady in a running store about how I walk and what I need for my feet, I found a pair I love...and after a bit of searching, in a different store in a color I love too (yellow :) ) Color matters people, don't say it doesn't!
And so I present my soft pillowy new shoes: Asics gel 1120's:
I can't say enough about them. After this morning's run I am so glad I got them. They are fantastic - extremely comfortable and cushioning when I ran this morning - no stress on my knees at all, and they kept my feet from rolling when I ran. I never realised how beat up my old Puma running shoes were...I've had them for 4 years and they weren't that good to begin with - they were more for aerobics and gym stuff, not running. I figured I'd better get some decent shoes before I end up with some sort of stress injury to my calves or knees,as I've read it is common in running if you don't look after your feet with decent shoes. So far I've just had stiffness and I want to keep it that way.
And so yes this morning I crawled out of bed to do my run: 3minutes fast walk + 2 minutes run 6 times. Seemed like a cake walk after Tuesday's assignment. I made sure I did plenty of stretching too...feels great to be back at it.
I decided Thursday was a new day and that I would make sure I kept up on the running and ball work form now on.
And to help that, since I just got paid, I picked up a REAL pair of running shoes last night. I tried on a lot of different pairs. Apparently I roll my ankles a bit when I run and need a bit more support, and after trying on many pairs of shoes, and consulting with a lady in a running store about how I walk and what I need for my feet, I found a pair I love...and after a bit of searching, in a different store in a color I love too (yellow :) ) Color matters people, don't say it doesn't!
And so I present my soft pillowy new shoes: Asics gel 1120's:

And so yes this morning I crawled out of bed to do my run: 3minutes fast walk + 2 minutes run 6 times. Seemed like a cake walk after Tuesday's assignment. I made sure I did plenty of stretching too...feels great to be back at it.
Woohoo...look at me go!
This morning I woke up smiling at 5:15 and did my workout with time to spare:
3.5 minutes walk + 2.5 minutes run seven times with 10 minutes fast walk at the end.
And I felt freaking *great* afterwards. Had breakfast and everything.
I do think it would be easier to run without my pants falling off though. Turns out my spiffy red sweats aren't really made for vigorous athletic workouts...they keep sliding down when I run. And since it was 0 this morning and I was gloved and toqued up as I ran, having my bottom pop out was not something I wanted...chilly butt indeed.
I have to track down a paper to get my other workouts for the week, but I'm officially registered for the marathon so I can't back out now.
Mee hee.
3.5 minutes walk + 2.5 minutes run seven times with 10 minutes fast walk at the end.
And I felt freaking *great* afterwards. Had breakfast and everything.
I do think it would be easier to run without my pants falling off though. Turns out my spiffy red sweats aren't really made for vigorous athletic workouts...they keep sliding down when I run. And since it was 0 this morning and I was gloved and toqued up as I ran, having my bottom pop out was not something I wanted...chilly butt indeed.
I have to track down a paper to get my other workouts for the week, but I'm officially registered for the marathon so I can't back out now.
Mee hee.
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